How much money I earn, pass you

How much money I earn, pass you

作者: 龚导辉 | 来源:发表于2016-12-24 11:51 被阅读25次


    In life we are often asked: "how much do you earn a year?"

    "How's your monthly wages?"

    "Your income come from?"

    Cooked not familiar, mouth, and whether or not appropriate.

    Your answer is not, no answer is not. Let's analyze the psychological analysis to ask this question:

    Was curious:

    No purpose, just want to ask, learn to understand. You belong to the cat? Such a heavy curiosity? This problem is very difficult to know others? Can't make money, hapless, income is about the dignity of the vulnerable. Earn money for, to tell you, you will say braggart.

    Want to follow:

    See others good, earn a lot, and look at himself has been hovering on the edge of the helpless suffering, just want to ask secret recipe, ingenious ways, oneself also follow later. The core technology will tell you other people make money? To tell you, and you can follow?


    Look at the others had quite moist, defy spirit in his heart, not satisfied, happy, feel the somebody else's money is not clean, not to do things, just want to ask: "your money come from?"

    The somebody else's money come from, it's none of your business!


    French writer - montaigne said: "all concern for wealth too careful with the smell of greed."

    Greed is a kind of spiritual:

    See each other income is lower than himself, secretly happy. One more object can be contempt, a more superior.

    Greed is a kind of material:

    His income is so high, so to dig, to I also have to let him pay more in the future. Blended with mixed drink, there is no psychological burden.

    His income is so high, also not help more help me, I had so bitter, also didn't see the borrow some money to my flower.

    Are you a moth? The locusts? With what people earn more than is the flower for you? Greed to black, the heart than snake swallow like.


    Home for the holiday, migrant workers, folks neighborhood sit together, the first sentence is: "man, how much money this year?"

    "Have no money!"

    "You say words, you will make money so how can't make money? I don't ask, don't you borrow again!"

    "I didn't earn money! Usually is lying to you!"

    "Really? Why?"

    "Into three factory down three factory, there are six months in a year is looking for a job, bala bala bala..."

    The next day will be from another person's mouth to hear about this updated version:

    "Then who came back yesterday, penniless. Said this year into a factory down a factory, the man has always been very urine (sui) lazy, temper is bigger, earn money for just strange!"

    Ast small to work in guangzhou. At the end of the year also went home. Care relatives asked him: "small ambition ah, how much money a month now?"

    "No! Just come in."

    "How much is low?

    "In January 5000"

    In less than two days, a little upgrade will be in secretly: "who's son, small ambition ah, also say back abroad, only 5000 a month, also no matter eat to live. His mother took a lump of money to send him to go abroad to study, it is better to domestic third grade school undergraduate. And I don't know what pheasant schools abroad."

    3 the entrepreneurial aspiring youth to go home.

    "How much money did you make this year?"


    "How much is it?"

    "One million."

    "One million haven't much? My god! You don't buy a car come back?"

    "Drive car in the company, too tired, take a plane back."

    "Gee, really good!"

    Behind can derive at least two versions: "who just start a company said earned 1 million, did not do a good thing for certain, that boy more than any ideas at an early age."

    "Then who, just open the company earned 1 million. Still not by his Lao tze Qian Qi home, he Lao tze that money is also not clean."


    Don't make money, is how it should be. To earn the money is not the henchman excrement luck is not good. For money, with a smile in my heart, hypocritical surface relief. Behind the surface of rich, admiring, cursing, looking forward to the somebody else to suffer, like her, like her most miserably.

    Life is like a play, whole depend acting skill, didn't give high appearance fee, you don't cooperate with boring people play.

    Available with connotation from will not easily ask the income of others. Ask your income, need not take a reason. If asked what comes next, and you will send him 1: "how much money I earn, has something to do with you?"


    People, live for their own life. Don't one eye staring at his pockets, one eye covet other people's pockets. Others earn less, can't help, you won't help. No one needs your false or cynical. Earn more, other people will not give to you.

    Income, is privacy, as well as weakness. No one likes this problem.

    If you are short of money, effort, don't need to care about people earn much. A lot of money on the market, you although cast by legendary weapons of China to earn. Don't exist in others find feeling, sense of balance. Goods than goods throw, the people than people. Than less than with yourself with others.

    Don't be silly! Yum someone asked: "how much do you earn a year? Your money come from?"

    That's ok with you!



        本文标题:How much money I earn, pass you
