Blue-sky thinking天马行空的想象

Blue-sky thinking天马行空的想象

作者: 张世益Sheila | 来源:发表于2020-11-17 06:51 被阅读0次

    Blue-sky thinking天马行空的想象


    Parts of the digital economy are competitive. Loot at the cloud.The term "big tech" is often used as shorthand to describe the small group of digital firms that tower over the 21st-century economy. Together, they make up over a fifth of America's stockmarket. But behind that phrase a lot is going on. As business lines have become monopolised, it has become commonplace to complain that tech firms are offering consumers a toxic deal. But in a growing number of areas the picture is healthier. 


    The largest tech companies have expanded into a dizzying range of industries. Amazon faces credible e-commerce rivals in the form of Walmart and Shopify. Video-streaming is a fight for supremacy between half a dozen firms. And cloud computing has become a fiercely contested market, too, as our analysis of the adventures of Microsoft shows. Its experience is a reminder of the benign power of competition--and of how governments should be surgical about taming tech


    Cloud computing took off about 15 years ago, as businesses began to outsource their web-hosting, data centres, core computer systems and many applications to a few big providers, particularly the pioneer AWS, run by Amazon. The pandemic has shown just how critical the cloud has become. Many of the economy's main functions depend on it, including a wide range of e-commerce sites and applications that let you work from home. The scale of this activity is huge; approaching 10% of all technology spending is on the cloud. So are the sums of money being invested. Perhaps $40bn is being ploughed this year into data centres and other physical gear by AWS and others. 


    The cloud brings obvious benefits. The firms using it replace capital expenditure on rickety bespoke IT with a variable payment for a service that can easily expand its capacity as needed. That is one reason firms such as Zoom have been able to grow so fast during the lockdown. Having many users for each piece of infrastructure means they are put to work more efficiently. 


    The cloud has also been seen as an example of the internet's fragmentation. Alibaba's and Tencent's cloud arms dominate in China and are making some inroads elsewhere in Asia. Europe is so anxious about American firms that it has launched a state-backed rival, called Gaia-X. Businesses in poor countries may struggle for access to the cloud, slowing their development. 


    The biggest fear has been of a cloud monopoly. Here the news is encouraging. aws remains the cloud's biggest firm, but Microsoft, the original antitrust bad boy, is putting up a fierce fight with its own service, Azure, and hopes to get more of its Office and Windows customers to use it for the cloud, too.


    Alphabet is also putting its cloud forward. On October 8th IBM said it would spin off part of its services business to focus on the "hybrid-cloud", which marries old-fashioned on-site work with the cloud. Likewise Oracle's proposed bid for TikTok, a social-media firm, is in part an effort to secure an anchor-customer for its nascent cloud operation. Regulators need to be vigilant to ensure that cloud firms are not abusing other companies' data, erecting unfair barriers to entry or misusing their dominance in other businesses to get ahead. But broadly, the boom means more choice and keener prices. 

    谷歌母公司也在推进云计算。10月8日,IBM表示将剥离部分服务业务,专注于 "混合云"——传统的现场工作与云计算的结合。同样,甲骨文拟竞购社交媒体公司TikTok,部分是为了获得其新生云业务的主力客户。监管机构需要保持警惕,确保云计算公司不会滥用其他公司的数据,设置不公平的进入壁垒,或滥用其在其他业务中的主导地位以获得发展。但从广义上讲,这股热潮意味着更多的选择和更激烈的价格。

    This rivalry also offers a signal to governments. Treating big tech as a monopolistic monolith does not make sense when some markets are competitive. Nor does banning tech firms from entering adjacent new markets--as a recent congressional report proposed. Better for governments to ensure that users have control over their data, and then vigorously tackle the areas like search and social media where monopolies have taken hold. If the main source of competition for big tech firms ends up being other big tech firms, so be it.




          本文标题:Blue-sky thinking天马行空的想象
