
作者: 柳风 | 来源:发表于2024-01-29 23:49 被阅读0次

can you play basketball?

can you dance?

do you always dance?

can you speak English?c

can you speak Chinese?

do you often read books?

I want to eat the apple

I will make a cake

can you play basketball?

go to the park

can you dance?

do you always dance?

can you speak English?c

can you speak Chinese?

do you often read books?

I want to eat the apple

I will make a cake

can you play basketball?

make dinner

do the dishes

can you dance?

make a decision

do my hair

eat porridge

do you always dance?

there are no books

can you speak English?c

can you dance?

can you speak Chinese?

I give the flower to you

do you often read books?

I send a litter to JM

I want to eat the apple

do you speak English?

I will make a cake

go home

good day

go there

go to my homelisse

listen to the tape

I borrow the books from HD

wish to do sth

I go to school every day

there is not any money in my bag


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