One-stranger- to- another caring

One-stranger- to- another caring

作者: 刘金晶Jane | 来源:发表于2016-09-22 16:38 被阅读25次

    Life is really really really really  like a box of chocolates.  It sucks sometimes, but don't worry, there is always a way out and something good will happen eventually.

    I really should enhance my action ability. Just do it! I have predicted the bad outcomes or the troubles exactly ahead of time, but have never planned  ahead. Because of laziness or the unwillingness to deal with the troublesome paperwork?  Both! Precautions should be taken in time, or it will definitly bring  much more troubles(all of its relatives are on the way to you ) once you let the first one slip out of mind intentionally. No zuo no die. I am the one to be blamed. Anyway, thanks for the kindness I received today.

    Trouble solved. So...lucky as you are, how can you not cherish all and be devoted.



          本文标题:One-stranger- to- another caring
