

作者: nailshif | 来源:发表于2015-06-21 19:32 被阅读0次


    农历八月十五是中秋节,今年的农历八月十五正好是公历的9月18日,又赶上抗战胜利60周年。也不知道官方究竟会怎么纪念这样的双重日子。        中秋是团圆的日子,其实中国传统的几个大的日子都是团圆的日子,节日嘛,大概就是为了团聚团聚或休息休息而找的某一天。为什么要找八月十五呢?大概因为十五的月亮圆吧。而把农历和公历分开,有一个很大的好处,就是可以促成好多双重的日子,让人可以居安思危,或是喜上加喜。        说中秋不能不说月饼,大概一个月前,月饼就开始轰轰烈烈的做宣传了,然后传说今年官方提出要创造节约型社会,所以限制了月饼的制作,目前来看,今年的月饼做的都比较朴实,也比较mini,价格倒是没变多少,也还是那么甜腻,那么难以消化。今年邮局还加大了对邮寄月饼的宣传,开辟了专门的窗口办理往海外邮寄月饼的业务,规则还挺复杂,这个国家不能寄果仁馅的,那个国家只能寄豆沙的……千奇百怪,人类就是这么好玩,喜欢互相限定规则。        记得韩MM(Han Meimei)版初中英语教科书里面有一个单元是讲Mid-Autumn Day和mooncake的,配套的磁带里面的Lucy的那声感叹:Mmmm! How delicious they are!实在是让人过耳不忘,曾经被我们编入了“初中英语课文大串烧”里面,作为结尾句。串烧里面至今没忘的经典内容有三句,另两句分别是:……Hello,r u Wei Hua?/ No...,I'm 邵教授(当时正热播邵教授版高露洁牙膏广告)……以及:……May I borrow your pen?/Ah...it's a secret...        初中课文如下,看后长了见识,原来月饼是广东的好。

    Lesson 9 The ninth lesson

    1. Read and act

    HAN MEIMEI: Hi, Lucy! Are you free tomorrow night? LUCY: Yes. What day is it tomorrow? HAN MEIMEI: It’s zhong qiu jie. LUCY: What's that? HAN MEIMEI: Oh, we can call it Mid-Autumn-day. We eat mooncakes on that day. LUCY: Oh? What are mooncakes? HAN MEIMEI: You and LILY must come over to my house and see! I’d like you to meet my parents, too. LUCY: OK. Thanks.Lesson 10 the tenth lesson

    1. read and act

    LUCY: Hi, Han Meimei! HAN MEIMEI: Oh, good evening, Lucy. Come in. Nice to see you!LUCY: Nice to see you, too.HAN MEIMEI:Lucy, are you hungry?LUCY: Yes, a little.HAN MEIMEI: Would you like one of these mooncakes?LUCY: Yes, please. But why do you call them mooncakes?HAN MEIMEI: Can’t you see? They’re round, like the moon. Have one, please.LUCY: thank you very much.

    3. Read and act

    LUCY: This mooncake is very nice.HAN MEIMEI: Good! Would you like another one?LUCY: May I? Thanks. Oh, this one is nicer than the other one. What’s in it?HAN MEIMEI: Can’t you see? Look! It has an egg in it.LUCY: Mmm! It’s great!HAN MEIMEI: Now have one of these. It has nuts in it.LUCY: Nuts? Delicious! This is the nicest of all!Lesson 11 the eleventh lesson

    1. Read and act

    MEIMEI: Lucy, would you like another cake?LUCY: Another one? They’re delicious – but no, thank you very much.MEIMEI: I’m hungry. I’m having another one.LUCY: I’m not hungry. I’m full!

    2. Listen and read

    Read page two of Lucy’s letter to her friend in the U.S.A.     Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Day. It usually comes in September or October. On that day everyone eats mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. It looks like the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them, and some have meat or eggs. My friend Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat. But I think the ones with nuts in them are nicer. Han Meimei says the nicest cakes come from Guangdong.     At night, families often stay in the open air near their houses. There they look at the moon, and eat the cakes. Mmmm! How delicious they are!23:12 | | | | | 评论


    注定没有月饼吃的中秋节9月20日 23:31



    回忆啊…… 逃学,街机…… 初中的时候在搞么斯啊……9月18日 23:30



    哈哈,哈哈,哈哈,往事多美好啊.......9月17日 11:52



    ^_^ 温故知新~~~ 可惜我只有馋的份儿~~~ 太喜欢吃月饼啦~~~~~~~9月17日 7:00



    小叮当:您玩过天之痕?大牛的您啊…… 寒号鸟:“哆罗罗、哆罗罗,寒风冻死我,明天就垒窝……”^_^ shile:现在的初中教材还跟canon相机做广告咧 hero:那今年918你家就是双重日子咯,祝福一个某人的某人:你们也讨论了的?我们也讨论了的…… 某人:-_-|||9月16日 23:12



    ..............................9月16日 13:31



    hehe,昨天晚上还跟临风讨论了初中课本里的经典人物哈哈9月16日 11:41



    9.18还是偶老爸的生日......汗啊9月16日 11:16



    虽然一向不喜欢吃,被你这么一说,也觉得How delicious they are!! BTW, 你说教材怎么能跟广东月饼做广告呢?9月16日 1:07



    这本教材现在的学生应该是无福消受了,也让我想起初中学英语的点点滴滴 nice cake ,unforgetable memory~9月16日 0:59



    是说这曲子怎么这么耳熟,原来是天之痕啊9月16日 0:06



    hanmeimei,哈哈哈哈,笑死我了啊9月16日 0:04


    收藏于 2007-04-26





