2022-06-12 Fail Often, Fail Forw

2022-06-12 Fail Often, Fail Forw

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-06-12 08:47 被阅读0次

Being ‘experienced’ is another way of saying, “I’ve failed so many times, but despite it, I’ve managed to succeed.”

Learning to play poker dragged me out of my comfortable cell and shoved me into the arena of constant failure.

I’ve lost more hands in poker than I’ve won. I’ve made more expensive mistakes than I have made correct decisions. My failures were the secret to my poker success.

I became a fan of failure.

After each session, I would dissect and obsess over each mistake. Why? Because I was determined not to fail the same way twice. Mistakes get expensive quickly in poker, so repeating a mistake is a sure way to go broke.

When you make a plan, remember to account for your worst self. That doesn’t mean you should be your worst self. It means when it does happen, at least you won’t get blindsided.

It’s okay to make mistakes because that teaches you to learn from experience. You’re going to make new mistakes as you keep learning. But it means you’re failing forward. You’re taking chances.

When you win, you win, but when you lose, you learn.



      本文标题:2022-06-12 Fail Often, Fail Forw
