New subscription server notifica

New subscription server notifica

作者: 内蒙小猿 | 来源:发表于2020-10-30 16:59 被阅读0次

New subscription server notifications available in production


October 29, 2020

2020 年 10 月 29 日

App Store server notifications provide real-time updates on a subscriber’s status, so you can create customized user experiences.

App Store 的服务通知对订阅状态提供实时更新,所以你可以创建个性化的用户体验。

The following new notifications are now available in production:


  • DID_RENEW lets you know when a subscriber successfully auto-renews.

DID_RENEW 让你知道订阅用户什么时候成功自动续期。

  • PRICE_INCREASE_CONSENT lets you know when the App Store starts asking users to agree to your subscription’s new price, so you can remind them of your service’s value as encouragement to stay subscribed.

PRICE_INCREASE_CONSENT 让你知道 App Store 什么时候询问订阅用户同意新的订阅价格,所以你可以提醒他们新服务的价值,并且鼓励他们继续订阅。

In addition, the following will be deprecated in production in March 2021: RENEWAL notifications and these top-level objects: latest_receipt, latest_receipt_info, latest_expired_receipt, and latest_expired_receipt_info.

除此之外,RENEWAL 通知和这些顶级对象latest_receipt, latest_receipt_info, latest_expired_receipt, and latest_expired_receipt_info,将于 2021 年 3 月 在生产环境废弃:

Update your code to continue providing a seamless user experience.


Learn more about App Store server notifications

了解更多关于 App Store server notifications 的信息

  • real-time      adj. 实时的;接到指示立即执行的
  • user experiences     用户体验
  • seamless     adj. 无缝的;无缝合线的;无伤痕的
  • customized     adj. 定制的;用户化的   v. 订制,订做,改制(customize 的过去式和过去分词)



      本文标题:New subscription server notifica
