2018 New Year Resolution

2018 New Year Resolution

作者: FaithNDream | 来源:发表于2018-01-06 14:49 被阅读26次

I have been through a lot in 2017, enough heartbreak and tears but i plan to have a wonderful 2018. My resolutions for 2018 are here.

2017.11 in Singapore

1. Finish reading Old Testament and share daily reading report on Jianshu.

2. Relying on God and fight against my sin, for example, stop arguing and fighting, be nicer and be patient to my family member, obey to my mom.

3. Find a new Job. be more independent and stronger.

4. Update IELTS score. keep using English.

5. Online cosmetics shop opration. Get into Hong Kong and China market. be wholesaler/retailer.

6. Save 7000/month.

7. Hope I could find my Mr.Right and get married in 2019.

I love traveling so i may go back to US TN to visit some of my friend during Christmas time but still not sure yet. Anyway, 2018 will be a hard working year.

If you also got your resolution, feel free to share with me, if not, then it is time to start. Everyone, let's fight.


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