2019-08-13 fret

2019-08-13 fret

作者: 大兄弟的铲屎官 | 来源:发表于2019-08-13 22:50 被阅读0次

英英释义:be constantly or visibly anxious 


我们可以用它来替换 worry, fear, be worried about, be anxious about 等,


1. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. 

Don't fret. Everything will be fine. 

2. When he was a college student, he always fretted about/over the rent of the next month.

3. Many Chinese and American exporters fret that the trade war between the two countries will hurt their business.

4. Political parties struggle to appeal both to rural constituencies, which clamour for mining jobs, and urban ones, which fret about climate change.(注意这句中的 clamor for 和 fret about 正好是一组反义词)

5. A lifelong resident, he frets that youngsters leave and “the only people moving in are senior citizens”.(这种现象在中国东北地区也比较普遍)

6. 特别有意思的是,有一篇关于气候变化与战争关系的《经济学人》文章中,在同一段先后出现了 fret, fear 和 worry 这三个同义词。大家可以在语境中,一起来学习、掌握它们: 

Mr Ibrahim is not the only one to see a link between climate and war. Globally, the proportion of people who die violently has been falling for decades, as poverty has tumbled and wars between states have become rarer. But many fret that climate change will be so disruptive that it will make future conflicts more likely. Some fear that as the Arctic sea-ice melts, Russia, China and America will scramble for the sea lanes that will open up and the minerals that may lie beneath. Others worry that, as temperatures rise, thirsty countries such as India and Pakistan or Egypt and Ethiopia will fight over rivers they share with their neighbours. 



Lots of parents fret about their children's education.

参考翻译:Many parents fret about their children's schooling. 



      本文标题:2019-08-13 fret
