1999年,《黑客帝国》一经上映,就被誉为科幻电影的封神之作。2003 年,又连续推出了两部续集。2022年初,《黑客帝国》“矩阵”重启,但是口碑全面崩塌,让人忍不住一声叹息。
有影视文化学者这样评论,当年的《黑客帝国》之所以能封神,在于从 “硬科幻”引发人类对终极命题的哲学思考,这使它既不同于以科幻为载体展示人文精神的电影,又不同于纯粹把科技奇观作为吸引观众眼球的电影。
因此,《黑客帝国》是一部 “软硬兼济”,在 “硬科幻”的基础上,把 “软科幻”的内涵和深度大大拓展和加深的电影。

"Matrix" 源自拉丁语 "matrix",意为"母体"、"发源地"或"模子"。
n. A rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns, used to represent mathematical or logical relationships between quantities or elements.
eg.In linear algebra, we learn how to manipulate matrices to solve systems of equations.
n. The substance or environment in which something originates, develops, or is contained; a surrounding medium or structure.
eg.The coral reef provides a complex matrix for diverse marine life to thrive.
n. A data structure consisting of rows and columns of elements, typically used to represent transformations or arrays of data.
eg.In computer graphics, transformations are applied to vertices in a matrix.
n. The cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops or exists; the context or framework within which something is formed or experienced.
eg.The societal matrix shapes our perceptions and behaviors in subtle ways.
Matrix multiplication: 矩阵乘法
Matrix equation: 矩阵方程
Matrix transformation: 矩阵变换
Sparse matrix: 稀疏矩阵
Identity matrix: 单位矩阵
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." - Morpheus in "The Matrix"
这是你的最后机会。之后就没有回头路了。你吃下蓝色的药丸 - 故事就此结束,你会在床上醒来,并相信你想相信的一切。你吃下红色的药丸 - 你将留在仙境中,我会告诉你兔子洞穴有多深。- 《黑客帝国》中的 Morpheus