美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(38-42minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(38-42minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-09-14 13:21 被阅读0次


    It's a luxury to relax every once in a while, isn't it, Garth?

    I remember this place... fondly.

    Look, the stability of this firm has never been in question.

    I need to look into Axelrod's eyes, hear him say it.

    Yeah, he will. I just wanted to hear you first.

    I may be from Kentucky, but I'm no rube.

    I don't bet on long shots when it comes to investing the pensions of my members. That's why they trust me with their $5 billion. I get nervous, I see someone like Axelrod running around spending his money like he's a goddamn rap singer.

    Emcee. Like a rap emcee.

    No, some of 'em sing now. My kids showed me.

    Snoop and Kid Rock both.

    You're right... you are no rube. But Bobby Axelrod isn't, either. We've crushed the S&P seven years running, which means you have crushed the S&P.

    You turn over now.

    Everyone beats it... till they don't. When can I see Axe, talk to him about it?

    You don't want to rush off now, do you?


    once in a while偶尔; 间或

    rube乡巴佬; 土包子;

    When it comes to 动词+ing,.’意思是‘当说到.的话题时,.

    beat it 美国俚语,“逃避,避开,滚蛋”

    rush off 仓促离开; 冲出; 仓促跑掉;


    Here's McCue. She got some stuff on Birch.

    You are gonna love my nuts. Pierre Bernard, longtime C.F.O. of the Arcadian, gets passed over for C.E.O., gets censured internally for certain financial improprieties.

    Press clippings I thought you might want.

    And Bernard interviews for a job at Birch shortly before the trades.

    We have secretaries on both sides confirming the meet.

    Birch's trades in Arcadian occur a half-hour afterward. We alerted our counterparts up north. The Railroad has fired Bernard. The Canadians are considering prosecution. He's ready to make a statement implicating Birch.

    At Quantico, they call a case this straightforward...

    Nobody cares.

    Of course not.  Why would they?

    Rookies always bring up Quantico.

    Uh, do you need something else?

    Let me know if you need PDF backups of those.

    Will do.

    He is right, though. This Birch thing's a dunker.

    Dominique all day.



    passed over   If someone is passed over for a job or position, they do not get the job or position and someone younger or less experienced is chosen instead

    Impropriety n.    不诚实(或不正当、不合适)的行为举止;

    bring up养育; 抚养; 养大; 谈及; 提出; 呕吐; 咳出

    *Quantico  匡提科原称波多马克(Potomac),是美国弗吉尼亚州威廉王子县的一个镇,波多马克河流经。虽然按2010年美国人口普查当地只有480位居民,周边却有着美国海军陆战队匡提科基地、海军陆战队大学、FBI的FBI学院、FBI实验室、美国海军犯罪调查局和美国空军特别调查办公室等美国军方、政府要所。


    So, tomorrow morning, when the arrest warrant is issued, along with a search warrant, we meet near Birch's firm, all right? You guys take him, we take his records.

    Hey, quick question.


    Are we gonna handcuff him?

    Yeah, obviously.

    What about the S.E.C.? Should we alert them?

    We already have.


    Probably, all right? I mean, those news cameras just have a way of showing up at the right time, don't they?

    So, we're gonna hit 'em full-on, right?


    We'll get local law enforcement there on the perimeter, but with the lights out. All right, any more questions?


    hit 'em full-on  全力以赴

    perimeter 周长;周界    on the perimeter外围;


    Bryan? Let's put a pin in the arrest.


    Get Birch in here. It's time to settle.

    No, no. N-no way. We... we have him dead to rights on this trial. I'm first chair. Then it's jail for this jamoke.

    We have him dead to rights, so he'll fold quick, and then we get back to what we were doing... Axelrod. I'm not letting us follow the riderless horse any longer.

    Wait. Riderless h...

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. They were smart. They sent one of their horses off in a different direction so the posse would have to split up...

    Get distracted. But this was no ordinary posse. This was a super posse... the super posse. Mixed group of superheroes... A sheriff, a marshal, an Indian.

    Native American.

    Sure. And the Cherokee... Man, he could read the depth of the impression the horse's hooves made on rock. And when he realized they were chasing a riderless horse... they got right back on Butch's trail.

    I remember now. I watched it with my dad on one of the Saturdays he showed up. I didn't root for the super posse. I rooted for Butch and Sundance.

    Of course you did. We all did. But that's not who we are anymore.


    put a pin in 暂时搁置


    have somebody dead to rights  (美国俚语)当场抓住某人的小辫子,握有某人无可抵赖的证据

    posse     n.    一群,一队,一伙(有共同之处的人); (美国旧时由县治安官调集、协助捉拿罪犯的) 地方武装团队; (与毒品有关的) 青年犯罪团伙

    root for  美国俚语 1.一贯支持,狂热爱好 2.极力主张



          本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(38-42minute)
