美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(2-5minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(2-5minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-09-01 12:51 被阅读0次


No, Pete, the gold standard is never coming back. And if it did, this world would be so fucked, I'd buy space travel, not gold.Nice pitch, though.

If I'd have known it was a gold play, I'd have never put him through.

Always put that lunatic through. One out of every 200 ideas he has is fucking brilliant.

I got this.

Bad idea. "No man is a hero to his valet."

That goes double for his C.O.O., so you are fucked with me either way.

Let's take a car to the city instead of flying.

What's underneath this?

Look, if the U.S. Attorney is really coming, maybe it's better if we don't make you more of a target. And more important, Garth Sykes from Flagship. Hated seeing you on the cover of the Post with that goddamned oceanfront mansion. Teachers in that pension fund make 40 grand a year.

People who have it spend it.

People who don't have it like billies better who spend on other folks. Charity, good works.

I do, I have, and you know it.

Today, they only remember the house.

I have a feeling there'll be another one of us on the front pages soon enough, and they'll forget about that.

But if Flagship does try and withdraw...

We can't let him. If Flagship pulls its $1.5 billion, it gets public. Other institutions go, too. Whole thing could domino. Get with Sykes, keep them on board.

That's just why I'm telling you to keep it a little more low-key.

Who's more low-key than me?







There are lots of men standing on the sidewalks with pitch.有许多人占着人行道摆设卖货的摊位。



He recited a part of his pitch.他诵吟几句招徕生意的吆喝。

3. (=pitcher)沿街叫卖的小贩或摊贩


No pitches! 禁止叫卖小贩入内!



There’re other gifts to prospective brides,along with a pitch to honeymoon at Holiday Inns.与去假日酒店度蜜月的广告登载在一起的还有附赠给待嫁新娘其它礼物的宣传。





He pitches household items like the Magic Towel.他是叫卖”万用巾” 之类家庭用品的小贩。



I pitched the children a tale about ghosts.我给孩子们讲了一则鬼故事。

3.(美国俚语)意欲勾引、调戏 (某人)(尤指试探性的)


I wouldn’t try to pitch to that Ice Maiden.对那位冷若冰霜的小姐,我是不会有非分之想的。


1. no man is a hero to his valet 一句著名的英文格言“仆从目中无英雄”

2. 回答这句“that goes double for sb” sb超级同意

low-key adj 低调,不显眼


So, the key to bagging Axe is... ?

Pete Decker. His fund. Has to be. We start with Decker since he had the longest tenure at Axe Capital of anyone who left with Axe's backing.

Get me some more of those cold sesame noodles, would you?

No, these are... these are Dandan noodles.

Same fucking thing.

No. No, one's Szechuan, the other Taiwanese. It's a whole thing.

You know, this is why I don't mind the hours. I'm always learning something on the job. It's incredible.

Yeah, tell him about General Tso's, Bryan.

Oh, no, he flings this shit at you, too?

Sprays it all around. The only place you've ever been is Asia, you can't help yourself. Here, indictments on that Ponzi thing.

Tell me about the general, Bryan. Come on.

Well, now you've done it.

General Tso, he was a statesman in the Ging dynasty. Suppressed a revolution.

Oh, and now he has the true glory. A fried chicken dish named for him the world over, huh?

That was created in America.Maybe after we nail Axe, they'll reciprocate,name a dish after you in China, huh?

Oh-ho. General Chuck's? Really, what would that... what would that look like, a burger with the cheese cooked on the inside? You really think I could ever be that richly honored?

Hey, I will make it so.

Not if we're still stuck. We need to find a way to get Pete Decker on the hook, right?

Decker hires young, and he pays at the top of the range. Now, once these guys get a taste for that kind of money, they get desperate to keep it going.

Start tracking all of his analysts and traders. Next one makes a mistake, we're right there.

Tenure n.    (尤指重要政治职务的) 任期,任职; (尤指大学教师的) 终身职位,长期聘用; (房地产的) 保有权,保有期;

he flings this shit at you 他给你讲了这些故事?

fling,作名词时意为“掷,抛;嘲弄;急冲”,作及物动词时意为“掷,抛;嘲笑;使陷入;轻蔑地投射;猛动”,作不及物动词时意为“猛冲,急行”。(美国俚语)用作名词的意思:1. 一时的纵情欢乐、恣意行乐 2. (随意的)尝试,尝试性的努力

reciprocate v.    回报; 回应; 沿直线往复移动;



      本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(2-5minute)
