list view Adapter getView 实现多Typ

作者: Luh的星河 | 来源:发表于2017-03-26 19:50 被阅读106次

    ListView 适配器Adapter getView 优化

    场景:展示Sever Get到的数据 数据中要展示的Item数据类型不确定 需要两个以上的展示形式


    • 1,实现Base Adapter的 getItemViewType() 方法 getViewTypeCount() 方法
    • 2,在getView() 方法中通过getItemViewType()方法获取当前要展示的Item类型是哪一类
      根据不同的Type实例化不同的ViewHolder contentView.setTag() getTag() 复用当前缓存的
    package com.ming.listviewadapterdemo.adapter;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.view.LayoutInflater;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewGroup;
    import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
     * Created by 明正 on 2017/3/26.
    public  abstract class DefaultAdapter<T> extends BaseAdapter {
    private static final int TYPE_ONE  = 0;
    private static  final int TYPE_TWO = 1;
    private ArrayList<T> mList;
    private Context mContext;
    public DefaultAdapter(ArrayList<T> list, Context context) {
        mList = list;
        mContext = context;
     * How many items are in the data set represented by this Adapter.
     * @return Count of items.
    public int getCount() {
        return mList!=null?mList.size():0;
     * Get the data item associated with the specified position in the data set.
     * @param position Position of the item whose data we want within the adapter's
     *                 data set.
     * @return The data at the specified position.
    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return mList!=null?mList.get(position):null;
     * Get the row id associated with the specified position in the list.
     * @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set whose row id we want.
     * @return The id of the item at the specified position.
    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;
     * Get a View that displays the data at the specified position in the data set. You can either
     * create a View manually or inflate it from an XML layout file. When the View is inflated, the
     * parent View (GridView, ListView...) will apply default layout parameters unless you use
     * {@link LayoutInflater#inflate(int, ViewGroup, boolean)}
     * to specify a root view and to prevent attachment to the root.
     * @param position    The position of the item within the adapter's data set of the item whose view
     *                    we want.
     * @param convertView The old view to reuse, if possible. Note: You should check that this view
     *                    is non-null and of an appropriate type before using. If it is not possible to convert
     *                    this view to display the correct data, this method can create a new view.
     *                    Heterogeneous lists can specify their number of view types, so that this View is
     *                    always of the right type (see {@link #getViewTypeCount()} and
     *                    {@link #getItemViewType(int)}).
     * @param parent      The parent that this view will eventually be attached to
     * @return A View corresponding to the data at the specified position.
    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        ViewHolderOne viewHolderOne = null;
        ViewHolerTwo viewHolerTwo = null;
            switch (getItemViewType(position)){
                case TYPE_ONE:
                    viewHolderOne = new ViewHolderOne();
                case TYPE_TWO:
                    viewHolerTwo = new ViewHolerTwo();
        }else switch (getItemViewType(position)) {
            case TYPE_ONE:
                viewHolderOne = (ViewHolderOne) convertView.getTag();
            case TYPE_TWO:
                viewHolerTwo = (ViewHolerTwo) convertView.getTag();
        return convertView;
    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
            return TYPE_TWO;
        }else {
            return TYPE_ONE;
    public int getViewTypeCount() {
      return 2;
    class ViewHolderOne {
        public ViewHolderOne(View contentView) {
        private void initView(View view) {
    class ViewHolerTwo {
        public ViewHolerTwo(View contentView) {
        private void initView(View view) {



      • c44bd8a4b179:请问,对于多条目 使用convertView.setTag(条目1,条目1的viewholder)这种方式,为何在取出时,即convertView.getTag(条目1)获取的viewholder为空,楼主遇到过吗?
      • c44bd8a4b179:请问,对于多条目 使用convertView.setTag(条目1,条目1的viewholder)这种方式,为何在取出时,即convertView.getTag(条目1)获取的viewholder为空,楼主遇到过吗?
        Luh的星河:在item条目复用中convertview==null 要根据getitemviewtype 返回的position 初始化特定的viewholder convertview装载 viewholder getviewtypecont()设定缓存的viewholder类型共有几类?这个逻辑应该没问题

      本文标题:list view Adapter getView 实现多Typ
