

作者: jianpengma | 来源:发表于2018-11-18 19:42 被阅读0次

    jason@jason-System-Product-Name:~$ nvidia-smi

    Sun Nov 18 19:37:39 2018     


    | NVIDIA-SMI 418.00      Driver Version: 418.00      CUDA Version: 10.1    |


    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |

    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|        Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |


    0  GeForce GTX 1050    Off  | 00000000:02:00.0 Off |                  N/A |

    | 20%  33C    P0    N/A /  75W |      0MiB /  1998MiB |      0%      Default |



    | Processes:                                                      GPU Memory |

    GPU      PID  Type  Process name                            Usage      |


    |  No running processes found                                                |


    jason@jason-System-Product-Name:~$ nvidia-smi --help

    NVIDIA System Management Interface -- v418.00

    NVSMI provides monitoring information for Tesla and select Quadro devices.

    The data is presented in either a plain text or an XML format, via stdout or a file.

    NVSMI also provides several management operations for changing the device state.

    Note that the functionality of NVSMI is exposed through the NVML C-based

    library. See the NVIDIA developer website for more information about NVML.

    Python wrappers to NVML are also available.  The output of NVSMI is

    not guaranteed to be backwards compatible; NVML and the bindings are backwards




    Supported products:

    - Full Support

        - All Tesla products, starting with the Kepler architecture

        - All Quadro products, starting with the Kepler architecture

        - All GRID products, starting with the Kepler architecture

        - GeForce Titan products, starting with the Kepler architecture

    - Limited Support

        - All Geforce products, starting with the Kepler architecture

    nvidia-smi [OPTION1 [ARG1]] [OPTION2 [ARG2]] ...

        -h,  --help                Print usage information and exit.


        -L,  --list-gpus          Display a list of GPUs connected to the system.

        -B,  --list-blacklist-gpus Display a list of blacklisted GPUs in the system.


        <no arguments>              Show a summary of GPUs connected to the system.

        [plus any of]

        -i,  --id=                Target a specific GPU.

        -f,  --filename=          Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.

        -l,  --loop=              Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.


        -q,  --query              Display GPU or Unit info.

        [plus any of]

        -u,  --unit                Show unit, rather than GPU, attributes.

        -i,  --id=                Target a specific GPU or Unit.

        -f,  --filename=          Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.

        -x,  --xml-format          Produce XML output.

              --dtd                When showing xml output, embed DTD.

        -d,  --display=            Display only selected information: MEMORY,

                                        UTILIZATION, ECC, TEMPERATURE, POWER, CLOCK,

                                        COMPUTE, PIDS, PERFORMANCE, SUPPORTED_CLOCKS,

                                        PAGE_RETIREMENT, ACCOUNTING, ENCODER_STATS, FBC_STATS

                                    Flags can be combined with comma e.g. ECC,POWER.

                                    Sampling data with max/min/avg is also returned

                                    for POWER, UTILIZATION and CLOCK display types.

                                    Doesn't work with -u or -x flags.

        -l,  --loop=              Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.

        -lms, --loop-ms=            Probe until Ctrl+C at specified millisecond interval.


        Allows the caller to pass an explicit list of properties to query.

        [one of]

        --query-gpu=                Information about GPU.

                                    Call --help-query-gpu for more info.

        --query-supported-clocks=  List of supported clocks.

                                    Call --help-query-supported-clocks for more info.

        --query-compute-apps=      List of currently active compute processes.

                                    Call --help-query-compute-apps for more info.

        --query-accounted-apps=    List of accounted compute processes.

                                    Call --help-query-accounted-apps for more info.

        --query-retired-pages=      List of device memory pages that have been retired.

                                    Call --help-query-retired-pages for more info.


        --format=                  Comma separated list of format options:

                                      csv - comma separated values (MANDATORY)

                                      noheader - skip the first line with column headers

                                      nounits - don't print units for numerical


        [plus any of]

        -i,  --id=                Target a specific GPU or Unit.

        -f,  --filename=          Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.

        -l,  --loop=              Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.

        -lms, --loop-ms=            Probe until Ctrl+C at specified millisecond interval.


        [any one of]

        -pm,  --persistence-mode=  Set persistence mode: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED

        -e,  --ecc-config=        Toggle ECC support: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED

        -p,  --reset-ecc-errors=  Reset ECC error counts: 0/VOLATILE, 1/AGGREGATE

        -c,  --compute-mode=      Set MODE for compute applications:

                                    0/DEFAULT, 1/EXCLUSIVE_PROCESS,


              --gom=                Set GPU Operation Mode:

                                        0/ALL_ON, 1/COMPUTE, 2/LOW_DP

        -r    --gpu-reset          Trigger reset of the GPU.

                                    Can be used to reset the GPU HW state in situations

                                    that would otherwise require a machine reboot.

                                    Typically useful if a double bit ECC error has


                                    Reset operations are not guarenteed to work in

                                    all cases and should be used with caution.

        -vm  --virt-mode=          Switch GPU Virtualization Mode:

                                    Sets GPU virtualization mode to 3/VGPU or 4/VSGA

                                    Virtualization mode of a GPU can only be set when

                                    it is running on a hypervisor.

        -lgc  --lock-gpu-clocks=    Specifies <minGpuClock,maxGpuClock> clocks as a

                                        pair (e.g. 1500,1500) that defines the range

                                        of desired locked GPU clock speed in MHz.

                                        Setting this will supercede application clocks

                                        and take effect regardless if an app is running.

                                        Input can also be a singular desired clock value

                                        (e.g. <GpuClockValue>).

        -rgc  --reset-gpu-clocks

                                    Resets the Gpu clocks to the default values.

        -ac  --applications-clocks= Specifies <memory,graphics> clocks as a

                                        pair (e.g. 2000,800) that defines GPU's

                                        speed in MHz while running applications on a GPU.

        -rac  --reset-applications-clocks

                                    Resets the applications clocks to the default values.

        -acp  --applications-clocks-permission=

                                    Toggles permission requirements for -ac and -rac commands:

                                    0/UNRESTRICTED, 1/RESTRICTED

        -pl  --power-limit=        Specifies maximum power management limit in watts.

        -am  --accounting-mode=    Enable or disable Accounting Mode: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED

        -caa  --clear-accounted-apps

                                    Clears all the accounted PIDs in the buffer.

              --auto-boost-default= Set the default auto boost policy to 0/DISABLED

                                    or 1/ENABLED, enforcing the change only after the

                                    last boost client has exited.


                                    Allow non-admin/root control over auto boost mode:

                                    0/UNRESTRICTED, 1/RESTRICTED

      [plus optional]

        -i,  --id=                Target a specific GPU.


        -t,  --toggle-led=        Set Unit LED state: 0/GREEN, 1/AMBER

      [plus optional]

        -i,  --id=                Target a specific Unit.


              --dtd                Print device DTD and exit.

        [plus optional]

        -f,  --filename=          Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.

        -u,  --unit                Show unit, rather than device, DTD.

        --debug=                    Log encrypted debug information to a specified file.


        stats                      Displays device statistics. "nvidia-smi stats -h" for more information.

    Device Monitoring:

        dmon                        Displays device stats in scrolling format.

                                    "nvidia-smi dmon -h" for more information.

        daemon                      Runs in background and monitor devices as a daemon process.

                                    This is an experimental feature. Not supported on Windows baremetal

                                    "nvidia-smi daemon -h" for more information.

        replay                      Used to replay/extract the persistent stats generated by daemon.

                                    This is an experimental feature.

                                    "nvidia-smi replay -h" for more information.

    Process Monitoring:

        pmon                        Displays process stats in scrolling format.

                                    "nvidia-smi pmon -h" for more information.


        topo                        Displays device/system topology. "nvidia-smi topo -h" for more information.


        drain                      Displays/modifies GPU drain states for power idling. "nvidia-smi drain -h" for more information.


        nvlink                      Displays device nvlink information. "nvidia-smi nvlink -h" for more information.


        clocks                      Control and query clock information. "nvidia-smi clocks -h" for more information.


        encodersessions            Displays device encoder sessions information. "nvidia-smi encodersessions -h" for more information.


        fbcsessions                Displays device FBC sessions information. "nvidia-smi fbcsessions -h" for more information.

    GRID vGPU:

        vgpu                        Displays vGPU information. "nvidia-smi vgpu -h" for more information.

    Please see the nvidia-smi(1) manual page for more detailed information.



