今年的年终总结,吓了我一跳! The Shocking Year

今年的年终总结,吓了我一跳! The Shocking Year

作者: 外贸连 | 来源:发表于2016-01-13 17:44 被阅读147次

At the beginning of 2016, many companies must have the year-end summary. Each matter no matter good or bad will be summarized at the meeting. In 2015, I’ve considered and done a lot though I hadn’t outstanding achievement, I still didn’t live up to my efforts. What about your performance? A few days ago, I’ve released an article--Reasons for Low-efficiency. And then, my fan told me his low mood and shame after the year-end summary:

As year-end summary came again, I carefully combed thorough statistics of my performance this year. But the result stunned me...

自我感觉,这一年,我没有偷懒半分,每天勤勤恳恳,完成自己每天的工作计划:今天,我一定要联系到MR.REE, 问他样板测试的进展;今天,我一定要搜索到20个品牌并找到相关的联系人;今天,我一定要……如此有计划地工作,为什么到头来,我的成绩竟是这般……一年下来,我只有5张订单,而且全部是旧客户翻单支持,某季度,甚至是零订单,两届广交会下来,我都没有取得订单,而我的同事,却都纷纷得到新单或旧客户翻单支持。
What I felt about myself: I was hard-working every day, diligently completed work plan; today, I must contact with MR. REE to ask for sample test; today, I must search for 20 brands and find key persons; today, I must … with designedly work, how could I get such bad performance… For a year long, I just got 5 orders, which all were repeat orders. Even I failed to get any order in a quarter. During the two sessions of the Canton Fair, I did not get orders, on the contrary, my colleagues had new orders or repeat orders from old customers.

Were it not for this summary, I still lived in my own world, being busy in work with good feeling. In retrospect, in this year, I kept the same pace with colleagues, working hard. Actually I was somewhat perturbed when they got orders. But my faith was that I must be the next one to get orders as long as I kept struggling. With that faith, I have always insisted on. At that time, my leader talked with me for a few times, guiding my work and encouraging me to find the right direction. But it didn’t work, I failed to make any progress. With the approaching of year-end summary, I get more and more perturbed. Although my leader didn’t complain to me, instead, encouraged me for many times, it made me anxious, so I became increasingly ashamed …】

看完这位连粉的分享,阿连很能体会他的心情。不知道正在看这篇文章的你是否也曾有过这样的感受经历?努力和收获不成正比,这句话戳中了多少人的心声?阿连十分认同这位连粉的坚持:只要肯努力,你将会是下一个接单的人。但前提是,你的努力是否用对了方向? After reading his sharing, I know exactly how he felt, and how about you? Most people must agree: you've paid so much but gained little. I appreciated his insistence: you must be the next one to get orders as long as you keep struggling. But what matters a lot is do you struggle correctly?

很多时候,我们对别人给予的指导照单全收,但却发现,出来的结果并不如预期。我们开始质疑,是否对方传授的方法不对?还是,我的努力还不够?事实并非如此。真正的原因在于你并没有真正嚼透别人跟你说的话,便盲目地瞎努力。别人告诉你的是方法,并非问题的答案,我们工作中的遇到的问题,都不是单纯一个答案便能解决的。缺乏思考的COPY 不会令你的努力产生有用功。
Most of the time, we may modestly accept suggestions. But the result is not as expected. We begin to question whether the method is wrong or am I taking not enough efforts? This is not the case. The real reason is that you don't really understand what others say to you but just try hard aimlessly. What others say is a method but not the answer. Problems cannot be solved by one answer alone. Lacking of thoughts won’t bring you good result of your efforts.

So, before struggling, you should first find out a right direction, and move along it so that we could gain a real success.



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    本文标题:今年的年终总结,吓了我一跳! The Shocking Year
