

作者: Vincent_eb78 | 来源:发表于2020-03-20 22:52 被阅读0次

                      hello,各位小主们大家好,我是Vincent老师,一个么得感情的杀手,葡萄酒以之一是生活之中经常被提及的一个非常有意思的话题,因为葡萄酒具有有益心血管、养颜护肤、抑癌抗瘤、抗衰抗辐射、增进食欲等功效。那么各位小主们对于红酒的一些说法和种类都知道哪些呢?So now,let's check it out!!!


    First, let's talk about the origin of wine. It is generally believed that ancient Persia was one of the birthplaces of wine. Most historians agree that Persia may be the first country in the world to make wine. The method of wine making has spread to Israel, Syria and the Arab countries of Asia Minor. Because Arab countries believe in Islam and Islam advocates the prohibition of alcohol, the wine making industry in Arab countries is declining and almost banned. Later, the method of wine making spread from Persia and Egypt to Greece, Rome and Gaul ( France). Then, the brewing technology and consumption habits of wine spread from Greece, Italy and France to European countries.






    Second, there are many ways to classify wine, such as: wine color, sugar content, carbon dioxide content, brewing method, alcohol content and grape juice content; here we briefly mention the brewing method, the other is too professional, old Vincent doesn't know 5555.

    1. Natural wine: the grape raw material is completely used for fermentation. No sugar and alcohol are added in the fermentation process. The method of increasing the sugar content of raw material is selected to improve the alcohol content of the finished product and control the residual sugar content.

    2. Fortified wine: after fermentation into the original wine, brandy or deodorized alcohol is added to increase the alcohol content, which is called fortified dry wine. It is called fortified sweet wine that not only adds brandy or alcohol, but also adds sugar to improve the alcohol content and sugar content. It is called strong sweet wine in China.

    3. Flavored wine: it is a kind of appetizer wine, such as vermouth, clove wine, osmanthus wine, or a kind of nourishing wine, such as ginseng grape wine, which is made by soaking aromatic plants in grape wine.

    4. Grape distilled wine: distilled from the original wine of fine grape varieties, or the pressed grape skin residue after fermentation, or the skin residue separated from the grape pulp by the grape juice separator and fermented with sugar water. Generally, it is called brandy after careful blending, and grape wine without blending.


    Third, let's take a brief look at some grape varieties. Chinese people stress "drinking water and thinking of source". Who are the parents of wine? Let's have a look.

    1.雷司令(Riesling) 雷司令也称薏丝琳,原产德国,1892年从欧洲引入我国,山东烟台和胶东地区栽培较多。该品种适应性强,较易栽培,但抗病性较差。酿制酒为浅禾黄色,香气浓郁,酒质纯净。主要用于酿造干白、甜白葡萄酒及香槟酒。

    1. Riesling, also known as yisilin, originated from Germany, was introduced into China from Europe in 1892, and cultivated more in Yantai and Jiaodong of Shandong Province. The variety has strong adaptability and is easy to cultivate, but its disease resistance is poor. The brewed wine is light straw yellow with strong aroma and pure quality. It is mainly used to produce dry white, sweet white wine and champagne.

    2.白羽(Rkatsiteli) 白羽又名尔卡齐杰里、白翼、苏58号。欧亚种。原产格鲁吉亚,是当地最古老的品种之一。1956年引入中国。在河北、山东、陕西、北京及黄河故道地区有大面积栽培。

    2. Rkatsiteli, also known as erkazijerry, Baiyi, Su 58. Eurasian species. Originating in Georgia, it is one of the oldest local varieties. It was introduced to China in 1956. It is widely cultivated in Hebei, Shandong, Shaanxi, Beijing and the old Yellow River.

    3.贵人香(Italian Riesling)贵人香别名意斯林、意大利里斯林,欧亚种。原产意大利。1982 年引入中国。在山东、河北、陕西及天津、北京和黄河故道地区有较多栽培。贵人香嫩梢底色绿,有暗紫红附加色,绒毛中等。叶片较小,心脏形,平展,浅五裂,叶面光滑,叶背有中等黄白色绒毛,叶缘锯齿锐,双侧直,叶柄洼闭合,具椭圆形空隙,或开张,呈底部尖的竖琴形。花两性。贵人香是酿制优质白葡萄酒的良种,也是酿制香槟酒、白兰地和加工葡萄汁的好品种。

    3. Italian Riesling is also known as Italian, Italian and Eurasian. Originated in Italy. It was introduced to China in 1982. In Shandong, Hebei, Shaanxi, Tianjin, Beijing and the old Yellow River area, there are more cultivation. The base color of the noble's fragrant and tender tip is green, with dark purple red additional color and medium fluff. The leaves are small, heart-shaped, flat, light five lobed, smooth, with medium yellow white villi on the back, sharp serrations on the leaf margin, straight on both sides, closed petiole potholes, elliptical gaps, or open, in the shape of harp with a sharp bottom. Flowers bisexual. Noble fragrance is not only a good variety for making high quality white wine, but also a good variety for making champagne, brandy and grape juice.

    4.李将军(Pinot Blanc) 李将军别名白比诺,属欧亚种,原产法国。酿制酒为浅黄色,清香爽口,回味绵延,具典型性。该品种为黑品乐的变种,适宜酿造干白葡萄酒与香槟酒。适宜酿制白葡萄酒的品种还有:季米亚特、米勒、巴娜蒂、长相思、红玫瑰、琼瑶浆、白诗南、赛美容、霞多丽、白福儿等。

    4. General Li (Pinot Blanc) General Li, also known as Pinot Noir, belongs to Eurasia and originated in France. The brewed wine is light yellow, refreshing, with a typical aftertaste. This variety is a variety of Pinot Noir, suitable for making dry white wine and champagne. Everlasting longing for each other wine breeds include: Mayatt, Miller, monat, Sauvignon Blanc, red rose, Qiong Yaojiang, Bai Shi Nan, Sai Mei, Chardonnay, Bai Fuer, etc.

    5.霞多丽(Chardonnay) 别名查当尼、莎当妮、夏多内。原产自勃艮第,是目前全世界最受欢迎的酿酒葡萄,属早熟型品种。由于适合各类型气候,耐冷,产量高且稳定,容易栽培,几乎已在全球各产酒区普遍种植。土质以带泥灰岩的石灰质土最佳。霞多丽是各白酒最适合橡木桶培养的品种,其酒香味浓郁,口感圆润,经久存可变得更丰富醇厚。以制造干白酒及气泡酒为主。

    Chardonnay is also known as Chardonnay, Chardonnay and Chardonnay. Originated from Burgundy, it is the most popular wine grape in the world at present. It is a precocious grape variety. Because it is suitable for all kinds of climate, cold tolerance, high and stable yield, and easy to cultivate, it has been planted in almost all wine producing areas in the world. Calcareous soil with marl is the best. Chardonnay is the most suitable kind of liquor for oak barrel culture. It has rich fragrance, mellow taste, and can become richer and mellower after long-term existence. It mainly produces dry liquor and bubble liquor.

    6.佳丽酿(Carignan) 佳丽酿别名法国红、康百耐、佳酿。原产西班牙, 佳丽酿是西欧各国的古老酿酒优良品种之一。世界各地均有栽培。中国最早是1892年由西欧引入山东烟台。山东、河北、河南等产区有较大面积栽培。 该品种是世界古老酿红酒的品种之一,所酿之酒宝石红色,味正,香气好,宜于其他品种调配,去皮和酿成白或桃红葡萄酒。可用于红酒调配酒与制造白兰地,因此生产上有一定的推广意义和发展前景。

    6. Carignan is also known as French red, Cabernet and fine wine. Originated in Spain,Carignan is one of the best old wine varieties in Western European countries. It is cultivated all over the world. China was first introduced into Yantai, Shandong Province from Western Europe in 1892. Shandong, Hebei, Henan and other production areas have a large area of cultivation. It is one of the world's oldest red wine varieties. The wine is ruby red, with good taste and aroma. It is suitable for blending other varieties, peeling and making white or peach red wine. It can be used to mix wine and make brandy in red wine, so it has certain promotion significance and development prospect in production.

    7.赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 赤霞珠别名解百纳、解百纳索维浓、苏味浓,是有君王之尊的红色葡萄品种。果穗长圆锥形,有歧肩,果穗平均重约250克,最大果穗重300克,果蓝黑色,近圆形。单果重1.3克,出汁 率72.7%,可溶性固形物含16.3%,每果枝平均有花序1.83个。3月中、下旬萌芽,4月中旬花开,7月下旬至8月上旬成熟,生长期平均143天左右,有效积温2732.3℃。该品种适应性较强,抗病力中等.

    7. Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon is also known as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon. It is a red grape variety with King's respect. The ears are long and cone-shaped, with different shoulders, the average weight of ears is about 250g, the maximum weight of ears is 300g, the fruit is blue black, nearly round. The fruit weight is 1.3g, juice yield is 72.7%, soluble solids content is 16.3%, and there are 1.83 inflorescences per branch. In the middle and the last ten days of March, the buds bloom in the middle of April, mature from the last ten days of July to the first ten days of August, the average growth period is about 143 days, and the effective accumulated temperature is 2732.3 ℃. The variety has strong adaptability and moderate disease resistance


    These are some simple grape varieties. Let's have a simple time, ha ha!


    Here is Vincent's personal recommendation!!! This is the most important part of this article. Although old Vincent has not much money and never drink, but old Vincent still knows many famous wine brands, now recommend it.

    1:莫斯卡托 (意大利最高贵的葡萄品种之一) 莫斯卡托(Moscato)是意大利高贵的葡萄品种之一,在意大利十分常见,种植面积达到第四位。莫斯卡托是皮埃蒙特(Piemonte)最著名的白葡萄品种,是阿斯蒂莫斯卡托(Moscato d’ Asti D.O.C.G.)和阿斯蒂起泡酒(Asti D.O.C.G.)的主要原料,可以酿造成口感甘甜,香气芬芳的起泡酒和微泡酒,酒中带有明显的花香和葡萄皮的香气,酒精度通常较低,可以大口饮用。我喝过的,杰卡斯莫斯卡托桃红起泡酒,超级推荐

    1: Moscato (one of the most noble grape varieties in Italy) is one of the noble grape varieties in Italy. It is very common in Italy, with the planting area reaching the fourth place. Moscato is the most famous white grape variety of Piemonte. It is the main raw material of Moscato d'asti d.o.c.g. and Asti d.o.c.g. it can be brewed into sweet and fragrant sparkling wine and micro sparkling wine. The wine has obvious flower fragrance and grape skin fragrance. The alcohol degree is usually low and can be drunk. I've had it, Jacques Moscato.Super recommendation .

    2:丹魄(Tempranillo)红葡萄酒,丹魄是西班牙的葡萄品种之王,果粒小、果皮薄,用其酿成的葡萄酒酒色呈半透明状。丹魄可以酿成中等酒体,具有红色水果风味的葡萄酒。虽然该酒味道浓郁,但是其口感一般既不油腻,也不厚重。丹魄干红葡萄酒的经典产区是西班牙的里奥哈(Rioja)和杜埃罗河岸(Ribera del Duero)。丹魄红葡萄酒分为四个等级——新酒(Vin Joven)、陈酿(Crianza)、珍藏(Reserva)和特级珍藏(Gran Reserva),价格层层递进。对于入门级的陈酿丹魄干红葡萄酒来说,不到12美元就可以买到了!值得推荐的出产丹魄干红葡萄酒的酒庄有:帝国田园酒庄(Campo Viejo)、喜悦酒庄(Cune)、普莱斯酒庄(Puelles)和维纳泽科酒庄(Vina Zaco)等。 但是Vincent老师没喝过。

    2: Tempranillo red wine, which is the king of Spanish grape varieties, has small fruit grains and thin skin. The wine produced by Tempranillo is translucent. Danpo can be made into medium-sized wine with red fruit flavor. Although the wine is full-bodied, its taste is generally neither greasy nor thick. The classic regions of Danpo are Rioja and Ribera del Duero in Spain. Danpo red wine is divided into four grades - VIN joven, cranza, reserve and Gran reserve, and the prices are progressive. For entry-level aging Danpo dry red wine, less than $12 can be bought! The recommended wineries producing Danpo dry red wine are: Campo Viejo, Cune, puelles and Vina zaco. But old Vincent never had a chance drink it.

    3: 澳大利亚西拉(Shiraz)红葡萄酒 Shiraz是澳大利亚最著名的葡萄品种,在法国被称为“Syrah”,本站的中文译名均为西拉。从本质上讲,Shiraz和Syrah指的是相同的葡萄品种,本应该具有相同的性质,但是它们各自所酿成的葡萄酒却风格迥异。澳洲西拉所酿成的葡萄酒口感更加香甜成熟,相比罗纳河谷的西拉葡萄酒,其带有更多的巧克力风味,而不仅仅是通常的胡椒味和香料味。因此,澳大利亚出产的西拉干红葡萄酒更能迎合红葡萄酒初级饮用者的胃口。西拉葡萄酒的酒体一般比较厚重,所以它比较适合与口味比较浓郁的食物进行搭配。值得推荐的出产澳大利亚西拉红葡萄酒酒庄有:黛伦堡酒庄(d'Arenberg)、格莱格诺曼(Greg Norman)酒庄、浆佳酒庄(Jam Jar)、莱易可(Layer Cake Wines)酒庄、林德曼(Lindemans)酒庄、奔富(Penfolds)酒庄、舒弗莱(Shoofly)酒庄和御兰堡(Yalumba)酒庄等。

    3: Shiraz is the most famous grape variety in Australia. It is called "Syrah" in France. The Chinese translations of this site are all Shiraz. In essence, Shiraz and Syrah refer to the same grape varieties, which should have the same properties, but their wine styles are different. Australian Shiraz has a sweeter and more mature taste. Compared with Ronald Valley Shiraz, it has more chocolate flavor, not just the usual pepper and spice flavor. As a result, Australian Shiraz is more suitable for primary drinkers of red wine. Shiraz is generally heavy-bodied, so it is more suitable to match with the food with strong taste. Some of the most recommended Shiraz wineries are D'Arenberg, Greg Norman, jam jar, layer cake wines, lindemans, Penfolds, shoofly and Yalumba.

    4: 仙粉黛(Zinfandel)红葡萄酒 仙粉黛是一种起源于克罗地亚(Croatian)地区的红色葡萄品种,现在主要种植在美国加利福尼亚州(California)。仙粉黛葡萄酒是一种果香极为馥郁的葡萄酒,其往往充满果酱、蓝莓、黑胡椒、樱桃、李子、蔓越莓以及甘草等味道。入口后,浓郁的蜜饯味充溢口腔,并伴有香料味,还有一丝烟草气息。由于仙粉黛红葡萄酒口感偏甜美,因此非常适合搭配五香烧烤类美食和咖喱美食。值得推荐的仙粉黛红葡萄酒酒庄有:格纳雷海德(Gnarley Head)酒庄、雷文斯伍德(Ravenswood)酒庄和铁石酒庄(Ironstone)等。

    4:Zinfandel red wine Zinfandel is a red grape variety that originated in Croatia and is now grown mainly in California. Zinfandel is a very fruity wine, which is often full of jam, blueberry, black pepper, cherry, plum, cranberry and licorice. After the entrance, the full-bodied candied flavor overflows the mouth, accompanied by the flavor of spices, and a hint of tobacco. Because of the sweet taste of Zinfandel red wine, it is very suitable for barbecue food and curry food. The recommended Zinfandel wineries are: gnarley head winery, Ravenswood winery and ironstone winery.

    5: 黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)红葡萄酒 黑皮诺素以优雅的口感,细腻的单宁和别致的红色水果味道赢得众多葡萄酒爱好者的欢心。黑皮诺葡萄酒极其适合搭配各类美食,是配餐方面最灵活的红葡萄酒之一。它的酒体偏轻,可以搭配三文鱼、鸡肉、火鸡和鸭肉等白肉。黑皮诺葡萄酒可以柔化一些酸味菜肴的口感,而且可以搭配很多经典红肉类菜肴,如勃艮第(Burgundy)牛肉。勃艮第、俄勒冈(Oregon )和加利福尼亚州都是非常值得推荐的出产黑皮诺红葡萄酒的产区。

    5: Pinot Noir red wine Pinot Noir has won the hearts of many wine lovers with its elegant taste, fine tannins and unique red fruit taste. Pinot Noir is one of the most flexible red wines for food matching. It's light and can be served with salmon, chicken, Turkey, duck and other white meat. Pinot Noir can soften the taste of some sour dishes, and can be used with many classic red meat dishes, such as Burgundy beef. Burgundy, Oregon and California are all very recommended regions for producing Pinot Noir.




