BBC World News,Aug 26 2021

BBC World News,Aug 26 2021

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-08-26 10:59 被阅读0次

    This is the BBC World News, the headlines.

    U.S. president Joe Biden is expected to decide within 24hours whether to extend the Afghan evacuation deadline beyond the end of the month.

    Whether to do sth是否做某事

    decide within在。。决定

    is expected to预计

    extend the Afghan evacuation deadline beyond the end of the month撤离阿富汗的期限延至月底之后

    The Taliban say any extension would be a violation of the withdrawal agreement.


    a violation of the withdrawal agreement违反撤军协议

    G7 leaders have called an emergency meeting to discuss what would happen next if the Afghan rescue airlift isn’t completed by the end of the month.


    call an emergency meeting 召开紧急会议

    rescue airlift 空中救援行动

    Thousands of Afghans and foreigners remain massed at Kabul’s airport.

    remain massed at仍然聚集在

    Flash floods in Tennessee have left 22 people dead.

    Flash floods (通常由暴雨引起的)骤发洪水,暴洪 

    have left 22 people dead造成22人死亡

    Rescue worker in the U.S. state have been searching for dozens of missing locals.

    Rescue worker in the U.S. 美国的救援人员

    search for正在寻找;探索

    dozens of几十;很多

    Roads and bridges were washed away and power cuts have affected thousand of people.

    wash away冲垮;冲走

    Power cuts (有时指蓄意的)断电,停电 

    The Iranian government has said it’s prepared to ship more fuel to Lebanon to ease their continuing energy crisis.

    is prepared to 准备 愿意

    ship more fuel运送更多燃料 

    to ease their continuing energy crisis去缓解他们的能源危机

    The move would be in defiance of a United States embargo on Iranian exports.

    in defiance of 违抗(某人);无视,不顾(规定、法律等)

    embargo on  对…的禁运



          本文标题:BBC World News,Aug 26 2021
