On Writing Well CH23

On Writing Well CH23

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-11-23 23:47 被阅读0次

I. Words and express

1. The logic is the glue that holds it together, that tension must be maintained from one sentence to the  next and from one paragraph to the next and from one section to the next.


2. The first sentence of that paragraph grows out of the last sentence of the previous paragraph; the reader is given no chance to squirm away.

squirm    to feel very embarrassed or ashamed

3. Its language is an amusement in itself and a window into the grandiosity of the promoters.

grandiosity   high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation

4. Banality is the enemy of good writing; the challenge is to not write like everybody else.

banality    a trite or obvious remark  陈腐的,平庸的

5. Self-discipline bordering on masochism is required.

masochism    受虐狂,被虐待狂

6. But I'm always replenished when I get back home.

replenished    fill something that had previously been emptied

II. Summary

Writing is about making decisions. When we prepared our writing, we should decide what to write, how to write it, how to organize every sentences. The hardest decision is how to begin our article. We should grab the reader at the lead and then gradually adding information. In addition, article estiblished on our personality and voice. The crucial decision is where to end our article. Maybe we still have something to say, but as long as the article tell us where it wants to stop, we should stop it.  

III. Thoughts





      本文标题:On Writing Well CH23
