Jason BurnsJason Burns毕业于加拿大TOP3英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC),拥有长达17年TEFL/TESOL领域教学与培训经验。
Jason Burns是蔚来教育的学术研究负责人,在这次师训营中担任主要的讲师。
▲小组成员讨论 ▲小组成员展示 ▲观看其他组的成员展示 ▲聚精会神的听Jason讲解在培训过程中,Jason通过TKT(Teaching Knowledge Test)中YL(Young Learners)方法论,提出教学课程策略,分享教学计划,也帮助外教们在课堂上通过音标和故事、戏剧等进行教授学生。
Leigh:Jason's charisma is fantastic. A very approachable and friendly guy.
Ada:I thought Jason has a nice personality and is a good public speaker. He is a funny and charming man.
Grace:The training was nice and filled with losts of laugh. The deepest impression on is that teaching needs be ralated to our real life.
Martin:Jason gave us a diverse range of both teaching theory and specific paractices to use in the classroom. I came away with a lot of new ideas i'm excited to try with my own students.
Anthony:I think this training served as a valuable experience to help me grow as an educator. I enjoyed how the format was heavily discussion-based. This created not an environment of boring lectures, but rather a forum for information sharing, collaboration with colleagues, and critical thinking. Furthermore, I learned a lot from the trainer himself: this includes information ranging from the implementation of 21st century education models, to methods for dealing with unruly students. I would definitely recommend this program and trainer in the future.
TeachFuture蔚来教育一直致力为学校和机构提供专家级全方位教师培训服务,联合了哈佛大学、麦吉尔大学、High Tech High等海外知名学校,共同研发适合中国教育市场创新课程。