141. 君子上达,小人下达。14.23
A superior man aims high, while an ordinary man directs downward.
(High-ranking leaders or men of virtue have lofty aims while the ordinary people care mainly about trivial things.)
142. 君子思不出其位。(曾子)14.26
A superior man does not exceed his authority when he takes an issue into account.
143. 君子耻其言而过其行。14.27
A superior man considers it a shame to have more words than deeds.
144. 仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。14.28
The virtuous won’t be anxiety-ridden, the wise won’t get bewildered and the courageous are fearless.
145. 不逆诈,不亿不信。14.31 (不事先怀疑别人欺诈,不随意猜测别人不诚实)
Never suspect others of a fraud beforehand; never presume others’ incredibility.
146. 骥不称其力,称其德也。14.33
A good horse is not judged by its strength, but by its excellent qualities.
147. 以直报怨,以德报德。14.34
Return justice for evil and return good for good.
148. 不怨天,不尤人。14.35
Blame neither Heaven nor men.
149. 老而不死,是为贼。14.43 (孔子骂原壤的话)
Now at your old age you still wouldn’t die. You are a pest!
150. 君子固穷,小人穷斯滥矣。15.2
A man of virtue maintains steadfast in adversity, while a base man may act recklessly in it.