Rooms p 14-20

Rooms p 14-20

作者: 黎小城 | 来源:发表于2019-01-14 23:53 被阅读0次


    two-bedroom condo 公寓,商品房

    not give a shit 一点也不在乎,一点也不管

    other than 除了,不同于

    lane 小巷,车道,航线,罚球区

    dig up the past发现,挖掘,开垦,挖出

    shrink 收缩,畏缩,使缩小

    demon 恶魔,魔鬼,精力充沛的人

    at some point在某一时刻,在某种情况下

    therapist 临床医学家,治疗学家

    sprawl 蔓延,伸开手足躺,无计划地伸展

    motionless 静止的,不运动的

    thigh 大腿,股

    sag 松弛,下垂,漂流,萧条

    be onto something 说到点子上了

    count as 视为,算是,看成

    screw 旋,拧,压榨,强迫

    hitch up 钩住,猛拉,搭便车


    irritate 激怒,使兴奋,使无效

    stretch 伸展,张开,(大量地)使用,消耗

    thump 重击,用拳头打

    groan 呻吟,抱怨

    stub 存根,烟蒂,树桩,

    saucer 茶托,浅碟,盘子

    crumb 面包屑,碎屑,少许,弄碎,捏碎

    Ativan 抗焦虑药,镇静药物

    Limp 跸行,一瘸一拐地走,柔软的

    squeal 告密,尖声尖叫

    writhe 翻滚,蠕动,扭曲

    squeeze 挤,紧握,压榨

    temple 太阳穴

    moody 喜怒无常的,抑郁的

    hunch 预感,直觉,弯腰耸肩驼背

    tug 拖曳,用力拉,竞争努力做

    scoop 掘,舀取

    smirk 傻笑,假笑

    chew 咀嚼,嚼碎,深思,细想

    smack 掴,用掌击

    miniature 微型的,小规模的,缩图,微型画

    sponge 海绵,海绵状物,抹掉,用海绵擦拭

    toddler 学步的小孩,幼童装

    trot 慢跑,小跑

    mop 拖把,蓬松的头发

    pinch 捏,勒索,使匮乏

    nudge 推动,用肘轻推,没完没了抱怨的人


    gum 葡萄糖,口香糖,树胶

    pink blob 粉团子,一滴,一抹,难以名状的一团

    grin 露齿笑,咧嘴笑

    slide down 向下滑,塌泄

    blast 爆炸,冲击波,一阵

    horn 喇叭,号角

    vegetarian 素食者,素食的

    shitty 较差的,劣等的

    cling 坚持,墨守,紧贴,附着

    tenet 原则,信条,教义

    redeem 赎回,挽回,兑换,履行,补偿

    creek (发出)嘎吱嘎吱声

    swipe 滑动手机,刷卡,猛击swipe at his phone

    tote 手提,携带,背负,合计

    jolly 愉快的,欢乐的,宜人的

    spin 旋转,纺纱,吐丝

    hum 发低哼声,嗡嗡声

    twirl 使快速转动,旋转

    fan  煽动,刺激,吹拂

    lease 租约,租期,租赁物

    upholster 装饰,(用挂毯、家具等)布置

    upholstery 家具装饰用品业

    rot 腐烂,腐败,腐坏

    for Christ’s sake 看在上帝的份上


    She hadn’t stepped inside the old house in even longer than that.

    She hadn’t wanted to come back at all, she didn’t give a shit about the old place rather than what It might sell for, had no use for memory lane and digging up a past that she’d deliberately left behind.

    You can’t keep running, you have to face your demons at some point.

    She liked her therapist, and trusted her, but she felt superior to her.

    She had a wide, comfortable sprawl of body, fat sticky thighs sagging on the bed, saying, I think you are onto something.

    The last guy she had dated-she counted as dating, since they’d gone to dinner for some times before they screwed up to his place, her shirt hatched up, her underwear pulled down to her knees, both of them pretended it was spontaneity rather than laziness.

    She had been less offended rather than irritated.

    Push against the deep darkness inside her, stretch toward that warmth.

    She started piling dishes in the sink, sweeping the crumbs from the counter into her pulm.

    He caught Amy and pinned her between his legs and she squealed and writhed away.

    Sometimes she found for a briefest spark of a second for being jealous of Amy-for being young and dumb—the way all kids were dumb, and not knowing better than to be so happy.

    She fired back. She felt a headache coming on and she squeezed her temples.

    She’d watched over him, protected him, watched him transform on him-like one of those miniature sponges you put in a glass to grow into a complex shape-from a small pink blob with a permanent expression of wide-eyed alarm, to a toddler trotting after her, grabbing always at her jeans.

    Until the sudden blast of horns brought her back to the reality, realizing the lamps had changed.

    She had clung one of its major tenets for a long time, the Innocent could save, they could redeem.

    Like a stage set for an actress, to see if she can figure out her rule.

    For years, she had carried the image of a different minna with her, a faint heartbeat-shadow of a girl who had existed before the rot took hold.

    So she was there. To face the demons.


    Minna 回忆弟弟小时候




    14-15 P16-17 P 18-19






          本文标题:Rooms p 14-20
