0825Discuss vertical city and ho

0825Discuss vertical city and ho

作者: 默琊 | 来源:发表于2019-08-25 12:41 被阅读0次

    最近英语老师定时让我练写作,于是干脆就开个文集放这些作文了,这周的练习是讨论「垂直」城市,和「平行」 城市。 垂直城市就是高度都市化的城市,处处充满高楼大厦,生活在垂直都市的人,物理上的生活圈往往比较小,常常是公司和家里两点一线,日复一日周而复始。 而平行城市,我把它看作乡村发展到都市间的一个过度状态,没有太多的高楼,但是一样被称作city , 生活相对与乡下便利,但是又没有垂直城市的繁忙和高压。 个人认为年轻时候还是适合呆在「垂直」城市,多多参与整个社会的脉动,多经历一些事物。

    Discuss vertical city and horizontal city

    The vertical city which has tall buildings and highly developed, people work and live in a simple routine. There are many infrastructure base for living, you can find anything you need near by your living territory. And there are also high level service industry in the city which are very convenience, for instance you can find a masseur and that them serve you at your apartment. Consequently, there are a part of people enjoy this kind of life style, since they can focus on their work.

    Unlike vertical city, horizontal city has the lower level developed, the population density even lower than vertical city. This kind of city with a cheap cost of living, people who live there may have a slower life style. Horizontal city may not have any skyscraper, it's states between rural area and modern city, so there are much green area such as park in the horizontal city. If you prefer the slow life style, you will willing to live in here.

    In comparison with the life in horizontal city, vertical city's life style is which I like better. Because if you live in that way, you can easy to focus on your works, and when you need to have fun there are more option in vertical city to choose. In contract, the retiree who may tired about the busy life will select to live in horizontal city. To sum up, I will choose vertical city since I need to woke hard to earn money and learn more about anything.



          本文标题:0825Discuss vertical city and ho
