越南多个港口“垃圾堆积成山”严重拥堵 抱怨都怪中国禁收

越南多个港口“垃圾堆积成山”严重拥堵 抱怨都怪中国禁收

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-06-16 21:18 被阅读0次

Scrapimports choke Ho Chi Minh City ports
越南多个港口“垃圾堆积成山”严重拥堵 抱怨都怪中国禁收

An increasingly larger quantity of imported scrap has overloaded several seaports in Ho Chi Minh City, which has become an ‘alternative destination’ forthe waste dumping after China ceased buying it earlier this year.

Within the first two weeks of May alone,7,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of overseas scrap paper and plastic were unloaded at the Cat Lai Terminal, 2,000 more TEUs against the beginning ofthe month. (1 TEU = a 39-cubic-meter container)
仅在5月份的前两周,就有7000个装满海外废纸和塑料的20英尺集装箱(TEUS)在越南凯莱港(Cat Lai)码头卸货。6月初,越南凯莱港又迎来2000多个集装箱。

Located in District 2, Cat Lai is one of thekey and modern international shipping terminals in southern Vietnam.

The growing presence of plastic and paper scrap imports has been choking the port and become highly detrimental to the business of the facility, as well as shipping firms and companies in need of importation or exportation, said Nguyen Nang Toan, director of the Saigon Newport Logistics, a unit of Saigon Newport Corporation.
西贡新港公司的下属企业西贡纽波特物流公司董事长NguyenNang Toan表示,快速增长的塑料和废纸已引发了港口拥堵,对该港口的业务,以及船运公司和有进出口需求的企业造成了严重损害。

Military-run Saigon Newport Corporation isthe operator of Cat Lai Terminal and Hiep Phuoc Terminal.
西贡新港公司(Saigon Newport Corporation)归属越南军方,是凯莱港和HiepPhuoc港的运营商。

Around 5,234 TEUs are estimated to linger long at Cat Lai in the future, according to the company.

The Saigon Newport Corporation said the cause for the pile-up was that China, which used to be the world’s largest buyer of trash, has banned imports of scrap from the European Union, the U.S. and Japan.

Themove by China has made waste products to be transferred instead to SoutheastAsian countries, including Vietnam.

The Saigon Newport Corporation has as of early June tightened regulations onreceiving scrap shipments via both Cat Lat and Hiep Phuoc Terminals, requiring waste containers to have necessary valid import documents and written promises of picking them up by a specific date to be allowed for unloading.
6月初,越南西贡新港公司在凯莱港和HIEP PHUOC港口对接收装运洋垃圾的集装箱实施严格管理规定,要求其提供必备的有效进口文件及注有提货日期的书面承诺书,否则不允许卸货。

Those failing to meet these requirements will have to move the containers to another port.

This is simply a stopgap measure, Toan admitted, adding that he wished competent agencies in Ho Chi Minh City to join hands to solve the problem.
西贡纽波特物流公司董事长Nguyen Nang Toan承认,这只不过是一个权宜之计而已,他希望胡志明相关机构能够携手解决这个问题。






    本文标题:越南多个港口“垃圾堆积成山”严重拥堵 抱怨都怪中国禁收
