L3.U1.P3 : Ordering Food from Ho

L3.U1.P3 : Ordering Food from Ho

作者: 六五七的趣能星球 | 来源:发表于2022-12-06 10:45 被阅读0次

    Ordering Food from Home 在家里订餐

    "I'm tired of going out to eat. Let's eat at home tonight.(R)" “我厌倦了出去吃饭,我们今晚在家吃吧。”

    " OK, are you going to cook?"  “好的,你要做饭吗?”

    " No, it's too late and you know I'm not a good cook."  “不,太晚了,而且你知道我不擅长烹饪。”

    " Let's order something."  “让我们点些东西吧。”

    Q:What are they going to do? They are going to order food. 他们打算做什么? 他们打算在家订餐。

    Q:Where are they going to eat? They are going to eat at home. 他们要去哪里吃? 他们打算在家里吃。”

    " What do you have in mind?"  “你有什么想法?“

    " I was thinking about a nice big pizza."  “我想要一个美味的大披萨。”

    " Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza."  “又吃披萨? 我昨晚吃了披萨,所以拜托,不要披萨。”

    Q:What was he thinking about ordering? He was thinking about ordering a pizza.(R) 他想点什么? 他在考虑订披萨。”

    She's tired of eating pizza.(R)  她厌倦了吃披萨。

    " OK, no pizza."  “好吧,没有披萨。”

    " Let's order Chinese food, OK?"  “我们点中国菜好吗?”

    " Sweet and sour?"  “甜酸的?”

    " You always like sweet and sour. I feel like eating something hot and spicy.(R)"  “你总是喜欢吃甜的和酸的,我想吃点辛辣的东西。”

    " OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.  I don't want anything spicy.(R) My stomach doesn't feel good. It's a bit upset."  “好的,您点辛辣的,我点甜酸的。我不想吃辣的,我的胃不太好,有点不适。”

    Q:What are they going to order instead of pizza? some Chinese food. 他们打算点什么来代替比萨? 一些中国食物。

    Q:Why doesn't he want something hot and spicy? His stomach doesn't feel good. 他为什么不想吃辣的呢? 他的胃不太好。

    " OK, if you want sweet and sour then I'll have that too. and I'll make us salad with lots of tomatoes."  好的,如果你要甜酸的,那我也要。而且我要用很多西红柿做沙拉。”

    How long will it take for the food to get here?"(R)  食物到这儿要多长时间?”

    " I don't know."  我不知道。”

    " I'll call and find out. " 我打电话问问看。”

    " Thanks, hopefully it won't take longer than an hour. I'm getting hungry. "  谢谢,希望不会超过一小时。 我饿了。”

    Q:How long will it  take for the food to be delivered? They don't know. 食物送到需要多长时间? 他们不知道。

    Q:What do they finally decide to order? They decide to order sweet and sour. 他们最后决定点什么? 他们决定点甜的和酸的。

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