

作者: Hungry2Foolish | 来源:发表于2019-01-03 23:46 被阅读36次

tray: n. a flat, shallow, container with a raised rim, typically used for carrying food and drink, or for holding small                   items.

in 一般是指放在什么里面,如in the one's hands在某人手上,the milk is going into the cup牛奶倒入碗里

from一般指从哪里来,包括地理/材料,如she will make the soup from milk and potatoes, we get milk from cows

an apple is on a branch of the tree 长在树上

she put her hand up and took it. 摘苹果

she put an apple in the basket.把苹果放进篮子里

front, back, side 不但可描述盒子,也可以是衣服,人。如the back of the person背

off 常用于从某处拿下来,如she is taking a knife off the tray

go out of somewhere从某处离开,如she went out of the room她离开了房间

through是指穿过,如we take in air through our mouths and through our noses.我们通过嘴巴和鼻子呼吸,或者说milk is not a clear liquid. and we do not see through it, but water is okay.

hard and soft可以形容食物软硬,如bread is soft, glass is hard

1、英语造词很有趣,如brush,牙刷是toothbrush,头刷是hairbrush(区别于comb,这是扁平的头梳),用hairbrush时she is brushing her hair,用comb时she is combing her hair

comb: n. a strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth, used for untangling or arranging the hair

再如pin, 发夹是hairpin

pin: n. a small piece of metal or wood for fastening or attaching things, in particular

2、把这些都装进包里,可以说put all these things in my bag

让我帮你拿包(朋友间),可用let me have your bag, please

走上楼梯,go up the steps

得到很好的教育get good teaching at school

检查作业take a look at his work

日出the sun comes up in the East, 日落the sun goes down in the West

blade: n.the flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon

画线make a line on sth

切make a cut

按着线切木块,但切弯了the cut is off/not on the line,所以这从a straight cut to a bent cut

off: adv. away from the main route

下雪了snow comes down from the sky

水上结冰了there is ice over the water.

In the spring plants come up out of the earth, and flowers come out on the plants.分析come up 是动词,up是指向上生长的意思,up and out of是介词,因后面的名词不同而异。如in the fall, the leaves come down from the branches of the trees, the leaves come down off the trees; the apple came off the branch and came down on Newton's head.

stick: n. a thin piece of wood that has been trimmed for a particular purpose, in particular: used for support in                     walking

长宽高 long wide high,使用this box is four inches long and three inches wide and two inches high.

距离比较near to 和far from

The moon is going round the earth and it is turning round itself.自转和围着地球转在动词上不同

换火车,he is changing trains=he is going to the other train.


太阳发光the sun sends out light.

blow: n. a powerful stroke wit a hand, weapon, or hard object (eg. he gave a blow to the ball with a stick) special                 usage, a sudden shock or disappointment(eg. the news came as a crushing blow)

over和on都是在。。。上,但用法上有区别,over是有距离的上面,on是有接触的上面,如the rain comes down on my head and then I have an umbrella over my head.

雨滴a drop of rain

orange的皮可以说skin,如the taste of oranges' skin is bitter

kettle: n. a vessel, usually made of metal and with a handle, used for boiling liquids or cooking foods; a pot

eg. The water of a kettle is boiling.

Steam is coming out of the kettle.分析:come out是动词,表示蒸汽出来的状态;后面是of(非off)?

basin: n. a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply; a                          washbasin  

up and down是指上下的方向的介词,如He is shaking a cord up and down.他在上下摆动绳子

A smile does not make a sound but a laugh makes, so a laugh is a smile with a sound.

2+2=4 two and two are equal to four.

equal 不同于like:Things which are like one another may be equal or they may not.

feelings 不但用于感觉,也可以是触觉。如To a good swimmer, swimming is a pleasure.是感觉,心情上的; The wood is smooth.这是触觉。

此外,desire is a attraction that things which give us pleasure have attraction for us.

他把球扔远 He sends the ball a long way.

doorway: n. an entrance to a room or building through a door

through: prep& adv. moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location) 



to and from

pleasure and pain

put and take 

give and got

keep and let go 

steamship: n. a ship that is propelled by a steam engine.

power: a thing's power is the work it is able to do

electric power: power which gives us electric light, heat, etc

cupboard: n. a cabinet or closet, usually with a door and shelves, used for storage

grain: seeds of some grass plants used for making bread and some other cooked foods

right in: all the way in 

eg. The air we breathe goes right in to every part of the lungs through these branching pipes.

sponge: framework built up by one sort of water animal as its home; soft in water and used by people for                             washing

The blood makes a journey round the body and back to the lungs in a very short time.

blood bank: place where blood is kept as money is kept in a bank

stream: river

pump: machine for pushing liquid or air or gas in or out of something

go on: (often with present participle) continue or persevere

          eg. What makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream?

            (informal) said when encouraging someone or expressing disbelief

             happen;take place

           (often with infinitive) proceed to do

valve: opening which lets liquid or gas go through one way but not the other way

picture opposite: picture which is on the opposite page

ash: powder you can see in the place where  a wood fire has been burning

go up a high mountain: 爬山

thermometer: insturment for measuring temperature

shivering: shaking all over as an effect of cold

timed: measured the time taken by

pendulum: hanging weight free to move from side to side

the rate of motion:速度

eg. Measuring how fast something is moving gives us the rate of motion.

even: so much as. even gives the idea that something is much more than we would think

flat: like a floor, with no part higher than another. some lands are flat;others are all    mountains and others again have both high and low land.

sheet: cotton cover used on bed for sleeping on or under

upkeep: keeping so that they may be used

philosopher: thinker, lover of knowledge

religion: thought, feeling, desire for, interest in our deepest needs

wash away: take away by the motion of water over something 

eg. Rain and wind and waves quickly washed away these records on soft earth and sand.

lamb: baby sheep, young sheep

tally: one sort of record

impulse: wave of change which goes through a nerve

retina: coat of cells at the back of the eyeball

come by: get, in the sense of develop

self-supporting:a. having the resources to be able to survive without outside assistance

eg. Until the nineteenth century, families were self-supporting.

watch :v.(special usage) keep inder careful or protective observation

eg.Police and fire stations keep watch over the city.

in order: with nothing wrong. Things are in order when in their right places.


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