Moonlight Flower

Moonlight Flower

作者: cb9cede088ea | 来源:发表于2019-11-20 22:07 被阅读0次



    She seldom flew away in the night fly 的过去式为 flew

    I will guide you where the dreams couldn’t take you

    I want to show you the secrets of life.

    We will leave on the trip of delight.

    Silence n. 沉默;沉静 vt. 使安静;使沉默

    e.g The speaker tried to silence the angry people.

    break / interrupt a silence

    Their quarrel broken a silence in the room.

    Buy sb’s silence 用贿赂封某人的口

    They tried but Tom’s silence after he found out their plot.

    Put sb to silence 驳得某人哑口无言

    His remarks at the meeting put his critics to silence.


    Let in on a secret 让某人知道秘密

    If I were you, I won’t let her in on the secret.


    When you call I’ll follow

    Can you follow me when I speak this fast ?

    You go first, and I will follow (you) later.

    关于delight n. 高兴;快乐 v (使)高兴,(使)快乐

    delight in 喜欢;以...为乐

    delight with 因...而使某人高兴

    My mother is delighted with my sister.

    Take (a) delight in 以...为乐;喜欢

    She took a delight in playing the piano.



          本文标题:Moonlight Flower
