Evernote Search快速入门

Evernote Search快速入门

作者: dalianliyan | 来源:发表于2017-01-07 20:42 被阅读24次

    stack: $笔记本组$

    Evernote search is powerful. It may look like a simple text search field, but the advanced search syntax gives you the ability to search your notes by the date they were created, what type of media (audio, images, etc.) they contain — even where they were created. Here is a list of the most common searchoperators available, complete with examples.

    Searches within the title of the note.
    intitle:coffee searches for notes whose title contains "coffee".

    Searches for notes stored in the specified notebook.
    notebook:Finance will only search for notes within the Finance notebook.

    Will return notes that match any of the searchterms. Without this operator, Evernote search will return only those notes that match all of the given search terms.
    any: pizza beer will return all notes containing either "pizza" or "beer" (removingany: would return only notes containg "pizza" and "beer").

    Searches for notes tagged with the specified tag.
    tag:medical will return notes that have the tag "medical".

    Searches for notes not tagged with the specified tag.
    -tag:medical will return notes that do nothave the tag "medical".

    Searches for notes created on or after the date provided. Note that the date provided must be formatted like this: YYYYMMDD or as a date relative to the current date (e.g., day-1 to represent yesterday, week-2 to represent two weeks ago, etc.)
    created:day-2 will return notes that were created in the last two days.created:20101101 will return notes created on November 1, 2010.

    This operator behaves exactly the same way as the created: operator described above, except it deals with the date a note was most recently modified. If a note hasn't been modified since it was created, this date will be the same as the created date.
    updated:day-2 will return notes that have been updated in the last two days.

    Allows you to search for notes that contain specific types of media (audio, images, etc.).
    resource:image/jpg will return all notes containing an embedded JPG image.
    resource:audio/* will return all notes that cotain some type of audio file.

    Find notes that were created at or near the provided coordinate.
    latitude:37 will return all notes whose latitude value is greater than 37. Add -latitude:38 to your search to show results whose latitude is between 37 and 38 degrees. longitude: and altitude: work exactly the same way.

    Search notes by the application or other source used to create them (e.g., mail.smtp for notes added via email, web.clip for notes added using a web clipper, etc.).
    source:mobile.* will return all notes created on a mobile application of some type. For a full list of possible values for this search, see the Evernote Search Grammar specification.

    Matches notes that contain some type of recognition information (such as an image containing text). Possible values for this operator: 'printed', 'speech', 'handwritten', 'picture' and 'unknown'.
    recoType:picture will return all notes containing an image whose contents have been processed by Evernote's image recognition system.

    Finds notes containing one or more checkboxes.
    todo:true will return all notes containing a checkbox that is checked. todo:false will find notes containing a checkbox that is notchecked. todo:* will return notes containing a checkbox, regardless of whether or not it is checked.

    Returns notes that have been partially encrypted using Evernote's built-in encryption system.
    encryption: (this operator doesn't require additional values).

    For more information on the full library of Evernote search operators, head over to the Evernote SearchGrammar specification.


    stack:Career tag:triobn 导入
    notebook:Tribon help
    Search for PDF: resource:application/pdf
    Search for Doc files: resource:application/msword (does not find .docx files)
    Search for Excel files: resource:application/vnd.ms-excel
    Search for XLSX files: resource:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
    Search for Word files: resource:application/msword
    Search for Zip files: resource:application/x-zip-compressed
    Search for specific filenames: filename:xyz* -- this will find filenames that start with "xyz".



          本文标题:Evernote Search快速入门
