

作者: IMN | 来源:发表于2017-02-20 18:12 被阅读0次

What is your favorite pets?

Well,to be quite honest ,in general i would say that I'm really keen on animals,but in particular i would probably to say i really into  domestic pets like dogs,I guess the reason why i fond of dogs is because i adore their loyalty and companionship ,in addition to dogs i suppose i'm also pretty passionate about komondor,the Komondor has large eyes,big nose and long hairs,used to be one of sheepherder's working friends.

What kind of food do you like ?

Well in general i would say that I'm quite passionate about Chinese food,to be more sepecific i would probably say that I'm really into home made dish by my parents,this is mainly because love is the secret ingredient that can make any food tartare special and unique, at this point, taste is not that important.

Where are your from?

My hometown is Tianjin ,it's a big city which is a little bit of everywhere and unlike anywhere.it is the most great city in china,you can feel both historical and modern atmosphere,like all the other locals there, i have a special emotion to my lovely hometown.

Big city

I would like to live in big city,the reason why I fond of big city is because it has a great number of opportunities ,better education,good social services,excellent health-care and great entertainment.in addition ,i would like to earn a lot of money to make my parents and my lover have a good life in the future .so I'd like to stay at big city.
To talk about the great city life. I wants say in the big city there are more opportunities than the small town,and of course better education for young guys,besides,in the                Mm big city there are better social services,excellent health-care and great entertainment places.


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