「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅5Test 1-Section 1

「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅5Test 1-Section 1

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-26 06:14 被阅读0次



Good, I don't want to be away any longer than that. So is that by coach?好的,我不想离开的时间再长了。这个是坐长途大巴去吗?

Actually it's by minibus. We like to keep those tours small and personal so we don't take a whole coachload of people. In fact, we only take up to fifteen people on this tour, although we do run it with just twelve or thirteen.事实上是坐小巴。我们想尽量保证团队小些,个性化些,所以我们不会带一大车人去的。实际上我们这个行程最多只接待15人,但我们经常12或13人成团。

And when is the next one going?下一次是什么时候?

Mmm, let me see. Um, there's one in three weeks' time which is April the 18th, and then we don't have another one until June the 2nd.让我看一下。三周以后会有一次,是4月18号。然后我们要到6月2号才会再有一次。

题干:Bookings must be made no later than 8 days in advance.

题干:A 9 deposit is required.

Yes, that should be fine. Can I just mention that we require all bookings to be made at least fourteen days before you travel to avoid cancellations of tours. And if you cancel within seven days of departure you will have to pay 50% of your total booking.好的,那应该没问题。我能介绍一下吗?我们要求所有的预定要在出团前至少14天完成,以避免行程取消。如果您在出团前7天内取消行程,您要支付全部预订费用的50%。

And you also need to pay a 20% deposit at the time of booking. 你还要在预定的时候交20%作为订金



    本文标题:「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅5Test 1-Section 1
