The future is now

The future is now

作者: 1b7b65b4d9ec | 来源:发表于2017-07-22 10:54 被阅读0次

A wise man once said: 有灵感的日子就应该牢牢抓住。

每个人的灵感/完美状态(flow state)不同,对我而言,是一种能量爆发,内心小宇宙熊熊燃烧的感觉,无限接近于狂喜。

I realize I do need a lot of stimulus。最近工作不轻松,但往往在这种忙碌后,自己更容易来到这种状态。May have sth to do with how my brain is built: one area's activation leads to another.



又例如对于一件“痛恨”的事情的预期。之前“思考”的时候时候觉得就应该完完全全彻彻底底想办法逃避,完全无法承受。眼睛一闭冲进去后也就是那样。Not great but you can definitely live with it。反过来,计划再完美的事情,也可能因为一时的不爽、不愿、支持不住而轻易改写。Actually I think it's almost impossible to predict any experience. As life is 360 degrees, you will never be able to analyze every component of a moment, not to say a full experience. The way you think you know how you will feel when you sit down on that sofa, is so much different from what you really feel when you sit on it.

Your analytical self thinks without/or only with a vague memory of how it should feel like. So, when you are bothered or overjoyed with an idea about an experience IN THE FUTURE. This doesn't mean much for what will happen. It is a gift in disguise. Instead, you should just embrace this emotion happening in you NOW. As this is the only thing you have real and full control and CAN live to the fullest.


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