按自己的节奏去学习——《Goodbye Mr Chips》201

按自己的节奏去学习——《Goodbye Mr Chips》201

作者: 硬核Mother_Meg姐 | 来源:发表于2018-11-24 00:40 被阅读118次


    这本书讲述了主人公Mr. Chipping 与Brookfield这所学校共同经历岁月,彼此成就的故事。Mr. Chipping,青年时期年轻气盛,拥有雄心壮志;中年时期,他迷茫,也有点认命;到了老年,他反而淡定从容,充满了自信。还有他chips' style的幽默,让他最终成为了Brookfield灵魂人物、定海神针。这也让Brookfield,虽然经历了岁月的洗礼,却依旧不忘初心。

    这本书的时间跨度有六十多年。在Mr. Chips 中年时期,自行车、电灯陆续走进了千家万户。女孩子也开始像男孩子一样,开始骑自行车,开始去捍卫自己的权利。最开始,在传统的Chips眼中,这些简直不合体统。但遇到他的爱人Kathy后,他逐渐地接受了时代的变化。而且在Kathy的性格魅力的影响下,Chips也改变了很多与学生之间处理问题的方式。不过很遗憾,Kathy只在他生命中出现了短短的几年,她的结局令人心痛。战争来了,悲伤的消息接踵而至。在那个自顾不暇的年代,是Chips重新挑起了Brookfield的大旗,让它顺利地熬过了那最艰难的时光。而后,Chips辞职了,过起了老年单身汉的生活,但他的房间依旧访客不断,直到他去世的那一天。



    而最让我感动的一句话是:And it was a sense of proportion, above all things, that Brookfield ought to teach - not so much Latin or Greek or Chemistry or Mechanic. And you couldn't expert to test that sense of proportion by setting papers and granting certificates...(Page154) 这让我想到在这个追逐名利的时代,不忘初心是多么不容易。而作为教育,并不是让孩子们只会做题、能够多拿几个证书那么简单,而培养优秀的品质、独立思考的能力等等,才会让他们受益终生。

    之前也读过几本描写普通人一生的小说(汉译本),从社会地位上来看,他们混得远不如Mr. Chips ,小说内容也只是些平凡琐碎的流水账罢了,却能够引起许多共鸣。伟人传记,如《乔布斯传》、《富兰克林自传》等,读起来固然励志,十分兴奋十分燃。可我们中的大多数,即便有雄心壮志,拼尽了全力,也很难达到伟大人物的十分之一,甚至百分之一。大多数人注定是平凡的小人物,那小人物身上就没有故事了吗?小人物就没有别人可以学习的优点、别人可以借鉴的经验了吗?他们当然有!就像Chips ,他的幽默、他的坚持以及他的担当,都让我印象深刻,值得我向他学习!


    Chapter 1

    When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.

    Getting on in years 渐渐地上了年纪          Sleepy at times 时常犯困。不是都说老人觉少么。。。我觉得我现在才是时常犯困。真羡慕lazy cattle,那么悠哉悠哉,反观自己被困在一方天地,每天被繁杂的任务项推着向前走,倒有点羡慕老年人的生活了。

    Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world. 这句话可以用在描述一个人玩手机可以玩很晚,但是一看书就秒睡,仿佛被睡神召唤去了。

    It puts a strain on his heart. 可以用于人工呼吸。

    A fine art VS the fine art


    Chapter 2

    It was only gradually, after repeated trials and failures, that he realized the inadequacy of his qualification. 嗯,我自己现在也慢慢发现,自己的实力配不上自己野心。。。

    No more brilliant VS not more brilliant

    At the beginning VS from the beginning

    better oneself VS improve oneself

    Chapter 3

    His pension was adequate, and there was a little money saved up besides. 这句话相亲时可以用,讲自己父母有充足的退休金,还有积蓄。嗯,就是这么地俗气。。。

    Chapter 4

    There came to him, stirred by the warmth of the fire and the gentle aroma of tea, a thousand tangled recollections of old times. 写是什么勾起了回忆的时候,可以套用此句。

    He never felt at home or at ease with them. 和某人相处起来不爽

    Having encountered one who seemed to need masculine help, it was even more terrifying that she should turn the tables by helping him. 有趣的反转

    Head over heels in love 即便从头爱到脚后跟,也敌不过有娃的头三年

    Chapter 5

    He had told her of his only mediocre degree, of his occasional difficulties of discipline, of the certainly that he would never get a promotion, and of his complete ineligibility to marry a young and ambitious girl. 当一个人不喜欢对方,又想委婉拒绝对方的时候,可以用这句既可以真挚,又可以虚伪的话。

    Chapter 6

    Wish it was then and not now, straight, I do  后悔的时候可以说吧

    Chapter 7

    Anything does occur that oughtn't to 不该发生的事却发生了。。。嗯。。。

    One black sheep can contaminate others. 这不就是上学时候老师常说的:一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。

    I believe Brookfield is better than a lot of  other schools. All the more reason to keep it so. 表扬别人的时候可以用,你某个地方比别人做得都好,继续保持。

    Chapter 8

    You can go to blazes for all I care. 生气的时候可以说,你走啊,爱上哪上哪去,你去地狱我都不会管你!

    Chapter 9

    Filled up an emptiness in his mind and heart 填补心灵上的空虚,多常用的一句

    Chapter 10

    Chips was not in the running with that kind of person; he never had been and never would be, and he knew it. 有自知之明

    Steer into chanels where a hair's breadth of error might be catastrophic 差之毫厘,谬以千里

    Chapter 11

    A subject of continual amusement 一直是。。。样的话题

    Looking back upon that scene in the calm perspective of a quarter of a century, Chips could find it in his heart to feel a little story for Ralston. 追忆、后悔的时候可以用

    Chapter 12

    Have as little to do with Ralston as possible 尽量不接触

    Chapter 13

    If you felt equal to it and would care to- how about coming back here for a while? 想邀请他人,但这个人有又点客观情况的时候可以套用。

    Chapter 14

    The actual work was not taxing. Taxing → tax, 负重、繁重→税。说得很对,但心里却有点受到伤害,哈哈

    Chapter 15

    Of somewhat secondary importance 或多或少是次要的

    Give sb a chill 使某人着了凉。有了孩子后,最怕自己和孩子着凉感冒。

    It was rooted in things that had stood the test of time and change and war. 扎根于什么之中,经受住什么考验

    There used to be someone who promised people ninepence for fourpence. I don't know that anybody ever got it, but our present rulers seem to have solved the problem of how to give fourpence for ninepence. 这段话可以用在,比如:公司承诺每周工作40小时,月薪五千。我不知道否有人只工作了40小时,但就目前来看还是月薪五千但工作了80个小时。

    Chapter 17

    So that he was both more and less experienced than the youngest boy at the school might be well be; and that, that paradox of age and youth, was what the world called progress. 我觉得每个人老了后,都会有这种感受

    It's not half such an awful place as you imagine. 没你想的那么差

    Chapter 18

    But it wasn't sleep, and it wasn't quite wakefulness, either; it was a sort of in-between start, full of dreams and faces and voices. 既不是什么,又不是什么,是介于两者中间,充满了什么




      本文标题:按自己的节奏去学习——《Goodbye Mr Chips》201
