Day 17, Page 183-195

Day 17, Page 183-195

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-06-23 14:41 被阅读0次


    1. I kept thinking he was going to come down off of his sugar high, but he didn't.


    有时候还指吸毒之后的亢奋状态,经常用单数,例如美剧中经常出现的一个短语是on a high

    联系下文的he was bouncing off the wall: to be excited and full of nervous energy可知Fregley现在的状态

    造句:He's been on a high ever since he got his article published in the Times. 

    2. I decided that I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea and go home. 

    pull the plug on something: to stop something from continuing

    造句:I thought my idea was great, but my mom just pulled the plug on it.

    3. What really stinks is that Collin is supposed to be my backup friend.

    表示“…糟透了”可以说something stinks/ sucks

    或者something is really lame

    造句:Welcome to the real world, it sucks, you gonna love it. 

    4. In fact, not that I think of it, Rowley has been TOTALLY giving me the cold shoulder lately.

    give somebody the cold shoulder: to deliberately ignore somebody in an unfriendly way

    造句:I tried to be pleasant to her but she gave me the cold shoulder.

    5. Then he told me I was relieved of my Safety Patrol duties "effective immediately".

    relieve 解雇,炒鱿鱼的意思,跟昨天书中出现的suspend from是一个意思

    effective immediately 立即生效

    造句:The boss announced an effective immediately news that Tom was relieved. 


    1. I knew it was just a matter of time before I got busted for what happened last week.

    a matter of something 是一个非常好用的表达,它几乎可以用来描述一切状况。例如 it's just a matter of time/ money/ goodness/ politeness....

    get busted ,联系之前出现的表达get/ have caught red handed 被当场抓住

     bust本意是破产,破碎, collapse的意思,这里的意思是“干坏事儿被捉住”

    造句:I thought it was just a matter of money, and no worry about it as long as you could promise you would not get busted. 

    2. The best way to get back at Rowley was to get a new best friend of my own. But unfortunately, the only person who came to mind right at that moment was Fregley.

    The best way to do something is to do something只一个经常使用的句式。


    相似的表达我们还可以说the best suggestion/ idea/ trick...

    get back at someone: to punish someone because that person has done something wrong to you

    right at that moment 就正正好好在那一刻

    造句:The best way to get back at the person who hurts you is to live a much better life.


    Recently my younger brother has been giving me the cold shoulder but I had no idea what happened. After school Tom, one of my brother's backup friends, told me that my brother was suspended from his speech team. Right at that moment I knew the whole story. My brother has asked me for writing him a speech draft before, but I just refused him. Here is the truth, I usually refuse my brother's stupid requests so I didn't think it was a big deal that day. Now, maybe I'm wrong this time. So I have to find some ways to break the ice with him. 


    black out昏厥,还可以说pass out, faint, lose consciousness

    come to one's senses恢复知觉

    chum up结成朋友,相当于昨天的team up或者是partner up

    matching T-shirts可以用来表达“情侣衫” “亲子装”之类的

    sell somebody out类似于汉语里的“出卖…”,跟上文的“rat somebody out"可以互换

    break the ice with打破和…的僵局,与之前在书中出现的be in hot water with somebody是一对相反意义的表达。经常在一些正式的官方文件中会说“开启了…的破冰之旅”,也可以使用这个表达。

    culprit: 罪魁祸首

    vomit呕吐,类似的表达还有throw up



          本文标题:Day 17, Page 183-195
