mysql事务隔离级别 以及 悲观锁-乐观锁

mysql事务隔离级别 以及 悲观锁-乐观锁

作者: 花括弧 | 来源:发表于2019-08-08 13:12 被阅读0次
  1. 事务概念:
    一组mysql语句,要做的话 全都做完。如果 没有做完,把之前做的也撤回
  2. 事物特点:
  • 原子性
  • 稳定性:有非法数据(如 外键约束),事物撤回
  • 隔离性:事务独立运行。对其他事务的影响 也保证原子性。
  • 可靠性: 日志保存 事务记录,以防软硬件崩溃之后 可以恢复之前的事务操作

以上不是重点,重点是 对事务控制语句不熟悉。

  1. 事务控制语句
    BEGIN 或者 START TRANSACTION: 显示的开启一个事务。
    1)COMMIT: 提交事务,并将记录修改 写入数据库。
    2)ROLLBACK: 回滚事务,并撤销 未COMMIT的修改。

SAVEPOINT identifier: 在事务中 创建保存点。一个事务中 允许有多个保存点。
RELEASE SAVEPOINT identifier: 删除保存点。当事务中 没有指定的 保存点,执行该语句 会抛异常。
ROLLBACK TO identifier: 把事务回滚到 保存点。

mysql中的 事务隔离级别
  • Read Uncommited
    A, B两个事务, A可以看到 B未提交的 执行语句的结果。也被称为(Dirty Read).
  • Read Commited
    A, B两事务,B只能看见 A已经提交事务所做的改变。
    该隔离级别 是大多数数据库 默认的 事务隔离级别(但不是mysql的)。
  • Repeatable Read
    A, B两事务,A已经提交事务,但是B还是看不到 A事务所做的变更(B看到的还是A事务未提交之前的状态)。该隔离级别会导致 新的问题(Phantom Read幻读: )。mysql的默认隔离级别。
  • Serializable
    对 所要读的数据记录 加上锁,使得 所有对该数据记录的操作 都不得不排队。该级别 解决了幻读的问题,但会导致锁的竞争。
    对后面两种隔离级别 还是不大懂。

Read committed is an isolation level that guarantees that any data read was committed at the moment is read. It simply restricts the reader from seeing any intermediate, uncommitted, 'dirty' read. It makes no promise whatsoever that if the transaction re-issues the read, will find the Same data, data is free to change after it was read.

Repeatable read is a higher isolation level, that in addition to the guarantees of the read committed level, it also guarantees that any data read cannot change, if the transaction reads the same data again, it will find the previously read data in place, unchanged, and available to read.

The next isolation level, serializable, makes an even stronger guarantee: in addition to everything repeatable read guarantees, it also guarantees that no new data can be seen by a subsequent read.

Say you have a table T with a column C with one row in it, say it has the value '1'. And consider you have a simple task like following:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00'

That is a simple task that issue two reads from table T, with a delay of 1 minute between them.

  • under READ COMITTED, the second SELECT may return any data. A concurrent transaction may update the record, delete it, insert new records. The second select will always see the new data.

  • under REPEATABLE READ the second SELECT is guaranteed to see the rows that has seen at first select unchanged. New rows may be added by a concurrent transaction in that one minute, and the existing rows can be deleted or changed because repeatable read simply reads a "snapshot" not the actual data. From the docs dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/…: "All consistent reads within the same transaction read the snapshot established by the first read. The reads will still see the 'old' original data as if the change had not taken place (the snapshot)."
    Yes, Phantom reads can occur from deletes (or inserts). Yes, phantom reads can occur in repeatable read isolation (from inserts only). No, Phantom reads from deletes cannot occur in repeatable read isolation.

  • under SERIALIZABLE reads the second select is guaranteed to see exactly the same rows as the first. No row can change, nor deleted, nor new rows could be inserted by a concurrent transaction.

If you follow the logic above you can quickly realize that SERIALIZABLE transactions, while they may make life easy for you, are always completely blocking every possible concurrent operation, since they require that nobody can modify, delete nor insert any row. The default transaction isolation level of the .Net System.Transactions scope is serializable, and this usually explains the abysmal performance that results.

在Repeatable Read隔离级别下,一个事务可能会遇到幻读(Phantom Read)的问题。



mysql> select * from students;
| id | name  |
|  1 | Alice |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Phantom Read



在冲突较少的情况下,使用乐观锁。乐观锁 因为没有 加锁 释放锁,也减少了 加锁 释放锁的开销。
冲突较多时,如果使用乐观锁 需要不停地尝试,所以 使用悲观锁。
如果乐观锁 进行尝试时 的花销较大,也是使用悲观锁。

本文部分内容摘自Stack Overflow,以及廖雪峰的sql博客。 转载请注明出处。


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      本文标题:mysql事务隔离级别 以及 悲观锁-乐观锁
