12 志愿者活动
Volunteer work
Closely-knit community 关系紧密的社会
We cannot rule out the possibility 我们不能忽略这样一个可能性
Volunteer work has been promoted by manyschools and even accepted as a requirement for graduation. Unpaid work may haveits downside, but it is of great value for those young participants as well asthe whole of society.
By providing community services, studentscan improve their skills and increase their practical experience. Students maybe confronted with many problems and challenges, most of which are rare atschool, when they are involved in these voluntary services. For example, whenraising funds for charities, they should figure out how to communicate with benefactors,organize events or function, and work closely with others. These activities canboost their confidence and improve their problem-solving abilities.
The younger generation can meanwhile learn responsibilityand find enjoyment in serving the community. They have a sense of communitysince they can see how their work can make a positive difference to other membersof the community. It is a huge responsibility to support disadvantaged childrenin schooling, and middle school students will come to realise that helpingothers to receive a good education can make a fair and happy society. It canhelp create a closely-knit community.
On the other hand, we cannot rule out the possibilitythat unpaid work can lead to a wasteful use of volunteers’ time and energy, ifnot well-organised. Volunteer work programmes are tedious and strenuous, andmany students do not see unpaid work as a rewarding experience of educationalvalue of what they do. They may also regard voluntary work as a service whichcan take away their study time and interfere with their studies.
Overall, my view is that volunteer work isof considerable importance to the next generation in terms of sharpening skillsand improving job prospects, and also to social progress. However, schoolshould make sure that it suits students’ needs.