

作者: ATNOW | 来源:发表于2019-09-26 16:45 被阅读0次


  • flink的TimeCharacteristic枚举定义了三类值,分别是ProcessingTime、IngestionTime、EventTime

  • ProcessingTime是以operator处理的时间为准,它使用的是机器的系统时间来作为data stream的时间;

  • IngestionTime是以数据进入flink streaming data flow的时间为准;

  • EventTime是以数据自带的时间戳字段为准,应用程序需要指定如何从record中抽取时间戳字段

  • 指定为EventTime的source需要自己定义event time以及emit watermark,或者在source之外通过assignTimestampsAndWatermarks在程序手工指定

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package org.apache.flink.streaming.api;

import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving;

 * The time characteristic defines how the system determines time for time-dependent
 * order and operations that depend on time (such as time windows).
public enum TimeCharacteristic {

     * Processing time for operators means that the operator uses the system clock of the machine
     * to determine the current time of the data stream. Processing-time windows trigger based
     * on wall-clock time and include whatever elements happen to have arrived at the operator at
     * that point in time.
     * <p>Using processing time for window operations results in general in quite non-deterministic
     * results, because the contents of the windows depends on the speed in which elements arrive.
     * It is, however, the cheapest method of forming windows and the method that introduces the
     * least latency.
    /**ProcessingTime是以operator处理的时间为准,它使用的是机器的系统时间来作为data stream的时间**/

     * Ingestion time means that the time of each individual element in the stream is determined
     * when the element enters the Flink streaming data flow. Operations like windows group the
     * elements based on that time, meaning that processing speed within the streaming dataflow
     * does not affect windowing, but only the speed at which sources receive elements.
     * <p>Ingestion time is often a good compromise between processing time and event time.
     * It does not need and special manual form of watermark generation, and events are typically
     * not too much out-or-order when they arrive at operators; in fact, out-of-orderness can
     * only be introduced by streaming shuffles or split/join/union operations. The fact that
     * elements are not very much out-of-order means that the latency increase is moderate,
     * compared to event
     * time.
    /**IngestionTime是以数据进入flink streaming data flow的时间为准**/

     * Event time means that the time of each individual element in the stream (also called event)
     * is determined by the event's individual custom timestamp. These timestamps either exist in
     * the elements from before they entered the Flink streaming dataflow, or are user-assigned at
     * the sources. The big implication of this is that it allows for elements to arrive in the
     * sources and in all operators out of order, meaning that elements with earlier timestamps may
     * arrive after elements with later timestamps.
     * <p>Operators that window or order data with respect to event time must buffer data until they
     * can be sure that all timestamps for a certain time interval have been received. This is
     * handled by the so called "time watermarks".
     * <p>Operations based on event time are very predictable - the result of windowing operations
     * is typically identical no matter when the window is executed and how fast the streams
     * operate. At the same time, the buffering and tracking of event time is also costlier than
     * operating with processing time, and typically also introduces more latency. The amount of
     * extra cost depends mostly on how much out of order the elements arrive, i.e., how long the
     * time span between the arrival of early and late elements is. With respect to the
     * "time watermarks", this means that the cost typically depends on how early or late the
     * watermarks can be generated for their timestamp.
     * <p>In relation to {@link #IngestionTime}, the event time is similar, but refers the the
     * event's original time, rather than the time assigned at the data source. Practically, that
     * means that event time has generally more meaning, but also that it takes longer to determine
     * that all elements for a certain time have arrived.

不同时间种类 :


Event Time 在数据最源头产生时带有时间戳,后面都需要用时间戳来进行运算。



EventTime是用事件真实产生的时间戳去做 Re-bucketing ,重要性在于记录引擎输出运算结果的时间。简单来说,流式引擎连续 24 小时在运行、搜集资料,假设 Pipeline 里有一个 windows Operator 正在做运算,每小时能产生结果,何时输出 windows 的运算值,这个时间点就是 Event - Time 处理的精髓,用来表示该收的数据已经收到



