Try-Colbie Caillat

Try-Colbie Caillat

作者: cb9cede088ea | 来源:发表于2019-11-19 20:20 被阅读0次

    这周歌中我最喜欢的几句歌词是下面摘抄的几句。就如歌词所说: 难道你不喜欢这样的你吗?答案是肯定的,因为我喜欢你。

    Take your make up off

    Put your hair down

    Look into the mirror at yourself

    Don’t  you like you

    Cause I like you


    Disregard v. 忽视,漠视,不理会

    The board completely disregarded his recommendations.

    Safety rules be disregarded.

    He disregarded the advice of executives  adj. 行政的; 决策的; 经营的  n. 行政主管; 行政部门; 决策者

    disregard of/for/sb/sth 漠视,忽视

    He shows a totaly disregard for the other people's feelings.

    He has the greatest disregard for all formality n. 礼节; 程序; 拘谨

    The administrational order was disregard of the law

    Fret v.烦恼,枯燥,焦虑不安

    Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room.

    Fretting about it won't help

    I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else’s problems.

    Why should you fret over such trifles ?

    Wilt v.枯萎,凋谢,变得萎靡不振,使失去自信

    The roses wilted the next day.

    He soon wilted in the morning heat.

    I was wilting under the pressure of work.

    The spectators were wilting visibly in the hot sun. adv. 明显地; 显然; 看得见地


    reception n. 接待员; 接待区; 欢迎会

    consignee n. 收货人; 受托人;代售人 / receiver 收件人

    distributer 派件员

    delivery in progress 正在派件

    profitable adj. 有利润的;盈利的;有益的;有好处的



          本文标题:Try-Colbie Caillat
