004 大数据应用-税务部门审核银行账户

004 大数据应用-税务部门审核银行账户

作者: 胡巴Lei特 | 来源:发表于2019-07-27 21:45 被阅读0次

    004 Big Data Application – Income Tax Department to Scrutinise Bank Accounts

    On 8th Nov-16, when honorable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi began his first ever televised address to the nation, there was a great curiosity among the people to know what it was all about. But suddenly there was a shock to the nation when PM announced that from the same day the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currency notes would be discontinued to track black marketers and the black money they carry. He also announced that anyone having money in these denominations can get them exchanged or deposit them in their accounts with some limitations that were also declared. This is one of the latest Big data application in Banking sector.

    8 号Nov-16,当尊敬的印度总理纳伦德拉 · 莫迪开始他有史以来第一次向全国发表电视讲话时,人们非常好奇到底是怎么回事.但是突然,当 PM 宣布从同一天起,Rs.500 和 Rs.1000 纸币将停止跟踪黑人营销人员和他们携带的黑钱时,全国上下都感到震惊.他还宣布,任何拥有这些面值的钱的人都可以让他们兑换或存入他们的账户,并宣布了一些限制.这是银行业最新的大数据应用之一.


    Big Data Application – Income Tax Department to Scrutinise Bank Accounts

    Now the question arises – How is the government or IT department going to track the black money that has been deposited and how will they segregate black money holders from genuine tax payers? With more than 1.25 Billion populations and 100s of millions of bank accounts, it is a big question that how IT department will find out discrepancies? Similar to Software industry Income Tax department is also going to use latest and hottest technology BIG DATA.

    现在问题来了 -- 政府或 IT 部门将如何跟踪已经存入的黑钱,以及他们将如何将黑钱持有者与真正的纳税人分开?拥有超过 12.5亿人口和 100 百万银行账户,it 部门如何发现差异是一个很大的问题?类似软件行业的所得税部门也将使用最新最热门的技术大数据.

    It is practically impossible for IT officials to manually compare tax/account data with the data that it is collecting from banks. Big Data Analytics is being used to look into the inconsistencies which will then be thoroughly inspected by tax officials. This is the first time that our government will use Big Data analytics on such a large scale to sieve through personal taxes.

    It 官员实际上不可能手动将税收/账户数据与从银行收集的数据进行比较.大数据分析被用来调查不一致的地方,然后由税务官员彻底检查.这是我国政府首次在如此大的规模上使用大数据分析来筛选个税.

    The Big Data tools won’t be just used to collect details about the money being deposited by individual but it will also be used to gather information like tax paid by the individual in past years (could be decade), corporate tax that his company has paid, number of employees he has in his company and if they have also deposited any money recently and other tax related data. If discrepancies are observed, these Big Data tools will raise red flags/alerts. This would help tax officials to finally come to conclusion regarding his genuineness or be a black marketer and then they could issue notices to individuals based on this after December 31.

    大数据工具不仅用于收集个人存款的细节,还将用于收集个人过去几年缴纳的税款等信息 (可能是十年), 他的公司缴纳的公司税他在公司的员工数量,以及他们最近是否还存入了任何钱和其他与税收相关的数据.如果观察到差异,这些大数据工具会发出警告.这将有助于税务官员最终就他的真实性得出结论,或者成为一名黑人营销人员,然后他们可以在 12月31日之后根据这一点向个人发出通知.

    As Big Data can handle huge volumes of data in the range of PBs or 100s of trillions of records, it will help IT professionals to scrutinize the Transactions / Account details / Tax information efficiently and quickly. Learn more uses of Big data in the Banking sector.
    Let us hope the government gets success in their mission to find out black money holders and BIG DATA will do a miracle in “MODIfying the nation”.

    作为大数据它可以处理 PBs 或 100 万亿记录范围内的大量数据,这将有助于 it 专业人员高效快速地审查交易/账户细节/税务信息.了解更多大数据在银行业的应用.
    让我们希望政府在寻找黑人货币持有者的使命中取得成功,大数据将在 “改变国家” 方面创造奇迹.




        本文标题:004 大数据应用-税务部门审核银行账户
