

作者: 喬梦雪 | 来源:发表于2018-08-20 11:46 被阅读0次



    Class:Class 6 Grade 8 name:Qiao Mengxue

    Task 1 :

    What words and sentences do you collect this movie?

    ( 你从电影中收集到那些你喜欢的单词和短语,请写下!)

    well 井 magic dowser 水脉占卜师

    guess 猜测 make sense 扯淡

    rent 租 sadded 强加

    mud 泥巴 pouring 堆

    told 工具 expolet 探查

    beat 打败 unlock 打开

    spy 间谍

    Task 2 :

    Write a movie review in English(请用英文写一篇影评,包含影名、类型、内容、评价及你的感悟!)

    The Real Ghost Mother

    --See Coraline Felling

    This week, I watched a movie—Coraline.Then, I think about a question for a long time:what’s the ture love?

    The story is about a little girl Carolyn. When she and her parents move into a new home, her parents are so busy.Because of that,she has to do all the things by herself. One night she find a passage in the house.

    the other end is the same house as hers. And there's her other dad and mom there. They are very different from real mom and dad, they can meet all of Caroline's dreams. But another mother wants to put her buttons on her eyes. Then she find out that she was in great danger. In such a dangerous environment, she finally save the real mother and father.

    I think that if Caroline's real parents can spend more time caring about her, maybe she won't be interested to the fake world. The pace of modern society is fast, and parents will spend less and less time on their children.



