

作者: Doooer | 来源:发表于2018-08-07 22:40 被阅读66次




    假如我们有一组点的集合(X,Y),我们要找到一条直线y=mx+b来拟合这些数据点。我们期望找到参数m和b,使得误差平方和J最小。 使用梯度下降方法来寻找适合的参数m和b,我们需要计算损失函数J的梯度,如下: 接着我们随机选一组初始化参数m和b,然后定义一个更新规则,用来调整参数m和b,直到损失函数收敛。



    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
    iris = load_iris()
    data, labels = iris.data[:,0:2], iris.data[:,2]
    num_samples = len(labels)  # size of our dataset
    # shuffle the dataset
    shuffle_order = np.random.permutation(num_samples)
    data = data[shuffle_order, :]
    labels = labels[shuffle_order]
    就像之前的一维(一个输入变量)问题一样,我们还是可以做线性回归,只不过现在我们有两个变量(x1和x2),因此就有两个权重(系数变量)。所以,我们得到以下函数方程, 现在,我们有3个参数w1,w2和b。我们可以用神经元图表示我们的函数方程f(x),如下: 假设,w=[0.2,0.6],b=-0.3,然后将着函数方程定义成weighted_sum,
    def weighted_sum(x, w, b):
        return b + np.dot(w, x)
    # set our paramters
    w = [0.2, 0.6]
    b = -0.3
    # for example, let's use the first data point
    X, y = data, labels
    pred_y = [weighted_sum(x, w, b) for x in X]
    # let's print out the first prediction
    print("for x=[%0.2f, %0.2f], predicted = %0.2f, actual = %0.2f" % (X[0][0], X[0][1], pred_y[0], y[0]))
    for x=[4.70, 3.20], predicted = 2.56, actual = 1.60


    # sum squared error
    def cost(y_pred, y_actual):
        return 0.5 * np.sum((y_actual-y_pred)**2)
    error = cost(pred_y, y)


    因为我们有两个w和x,所以我们使用下标来区分它们。我们用上标来区分当前数据是数据集中的第几个数据。所以我们的偏导数如下, 我们使用以下的更新规则,来计算调整参数,


    import random
    # grab our data
    X, y = data, labels
    # always a good idea to normalize
    X = X / np.amax(X, axis=0)
    y = y / np.amax(y, axis=0)
    # choose a random initial m, b
    w, b = [random.random(), random.random()], random.random()
    # our function w1 * x1 + w2 * x2 + b
    def F(X, w, b):
        return np.sum(w*X, axis=1) + b
    # what is our error?
    y_pred = F(X, w, b)
    init_cost = cost(y_pred, y)
    print("initial parameters: w1=%0.3f, w2=%0.3f, b=%0.3f"%(w[0], w[1], b))
    print("initial cost = %0.3f" % init_cost)
    # implement partial derivatives of our parameters
    def dJdw1(X, y, w, b):
        return -np.dot(X[:,0], y - F(X, w, b))
    def dJdw2(X, y, w, b):
        return -np.dot(X[:,1], y - F(X, w, b))
    def dJdb(X, y, w, b):
        return -np.sum(y - F(X, w, b))
    # choose the alpha parameter and number of iterations
    alpha = 0.001
    n_iters = 2000
    # run through gradient descent
    errors = []
    for i in range(n_iters):
        w[0] = w[0] - alpha * dJdw1(X, y, w, b)
        w[1] = w[1] - alpha * dJdw2(X, y, w, b)
        b = b - alpha * dJdb(X, y, w, b)
        y_pred = F(X, w, b)
        j = cost(y_pred, y)
    # plot the error
    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 3))
    plt.plot(range(n_iters), errors, linewidth=2)
    plt.title("Cost by iteration")
    # what is our final error rate
    y_pred = F(X, w, b)
    final_cost = cost(y_pred, y)
    print("final parameters: w1=%0.3f, w2=%0.3f, b=%0.3f"%(w[0], w[1], b))
    print("final cost = %0.3f" % final_cost)
    initial parameters: w1=0.080, w2=0.220, b=0.259
    initial cost = 5.384
    final parameters: w1=1.902, w2=-0.923, b=-0.221
    final cost = 0.665


    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-10, 10, 1), np.arange(-10, 10, 1))
    y = b + w[0]*x1 + w[1]*x2
    ax.plot_surface(x1, x2, y, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
    至此,在该数据集上应用线性回归,我们找到了一个可以接受的代价,但我们仍然可以找到更小的代价。问题在于,线性回归是线性的,但有时候,我们的数据不能很好的像上面这张图一样拟合出一个平面。在真实的数据集中,数据是不规则的,明显分布在不同的曲面上。为了使我们的方程f(X) 更“灵活”,我们引入一个非线性转换方程,Sigmoid函数:


    def sigmoid(z):
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
    x = np.arange(-10.0, 10.0, 0.2)
    sig = sigmoid(x)
    plt.plot(x, sig)
    plt.title('Sigmoid function')
    基本上,一个sigmoid函数能将任何输入都转换成0到1之间的输出。所以,现在我们将修改f(X)函数,不单是简单的权重值相加,而是将它传入sigmoid函数,如下图: 因此,函数变为, 假如我们有跟之前一样的参数: 我们可以计算出预测值和误差,
    def weighted_sum(x, w, b):
        return b + np.dot(w, x)
    def sigmoid(z):
        return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
    # reset our parameters
    w = [0.2, 0.6]
    b = -0.3
    X, y = data, labels
    # get weighted sum like before
    Z = [weighted_sum(x, w, b) for x in X]
    # now transform the weighted sums with a sigmoid
    y_pred = [sigmoid(z) for z in Z]
    # evaluate error
    error = cost(y_pred, y)


    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-10, 10, 1), np.arange(-10, 10, 1))
    y = sigmoid(b + w[0]*x1 + w[1]*x2)
    ax.plot_surface(x1, x2, y, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
    上述函数已经可以考虑成一个简单的神经网络。让我们增加一个隐藏层,使我们的神经网络更复杂一些。我们在输入和输出层之间,添加一个有3个神经元的隐藏层: 跟之前的步骤一样,我们从左边的输入层开始计算中间的每个神经元,当中间的神经元全部计算完成,我们就可以在输出层执行相同的计算,得到最后的结果。注意:通常不对输出层进行非线性转换,所以我们对三个隐藏层的神经元进行sigmoid变化,而不是输出层的神经元。
    W1 = np.random.randn(2, 3)
    W2 = np.random.randn(3, 1)
    print("W1=", W1)
    print("W2=", W2)
    W1= [[ 0.55604015 -1.30425457 -1.51214943]
     [-0.06828511 -0.63519787 -0.59453199]]
    W2= [[-0.09451191]
     [-0.4512179 ]]


    X, y = data, labels
    # first layer weighted sum z
    z = np.dot(X, W1)
    # project z through non-linear sigmoid
    z = sigmoid(z)
    # do another dot product at end (sigmoid is omitted)
    y_pred = np.dot(z, W2)
    # what is our cost
    error = cost(y_pred, y)
    print('predicted %0.2f for example 0, actual %0.2f, total cost %0.2f'%(pred_y[0], y[0], error))
    predicted 2.56 for example 0, actual 1.60, total cost 201434.60


    class Neural_Network(object):
        def __init__(self, n0, n1, n2):        
            self.n0 = n0
            self.n1 = n1
            self.n2 = n2
            # initialize weights
            self.W1 = np.random.randn(self.n0, self.n1)
            self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.n1 ,self.n2)
        def predict(self, x):
            z = np.dot(x, self.W1)
            z = sigmoid(z)
            y = np.dot(z, self.W2)
            return y


    net = Neural_Network(2, 3, 1)


    X, y = data, labels
    y_pred = net.predict(X)
    error = cost(y_pred, y)
    print('predicted %0.2f for example 0, actual %0.2f, total cost %0.2f'%(pred_y[0], y[0], error))
    predicted 2.56 for example 0, actual 1.60, total cost 211597.43



    在此基础上,对每个参数应用可迭代使用的更新规则: 让我们用最简单的方法——数值法(定义法)来计算梯度,梯度的定义如下: 因此,损失函数对于某个参数的偏导数计算如下: 注意该计算方法是最简单的,也是计算最慢、效率最低的。因为该方法要求每次更新时对网络中每个参数都做一次前向传播。如果我们的网络有1,000,000个参数,则至少要进行1,000,000次前向传播,每次传播至少运行1,000,000次乘法。后面我们会介绍一个更快、更有效率的计算梯度的方法——反向传播算法。现在,为了更容易理解梯度下降,我们用数值计算的方法来实现。
    import itertools
    def get_gradient(net, X, y):
        w_delta = 1e-8
        # get the current value of the loss, wherever the parameters are
        y_pred_current = net.predict(X)
        error_current = cost(y_pred_current, y)
        # grab the current weights and copy them (so we can restore them after modification)
        dw1, dw2 = np.zeros((net.n0, net.n1)), np.zeros((net.n1, net.n2))
        W1, W2 = np.copy(net.W1), np.copy(net.W2) 
        # for the first layer, iterate through each weight, 
        # perturb it slightly, and calculate the numerical 
        # slope between that loss and the original loss
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(net.n0), range(net.n1)):
            net.W1 = np.copy(W1)
            net.W1[i][j] += w_delta
            y_pred = net.predict(X)
            error = cost(y_pred, y)
            dw1[i][j] = (error - error_current) / w_delta
        # do the same thing for the second layer
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(net.n1), range(net.n2)):
            net.W2 = np.copy(W2)
            net.W2[i][j] += w_delta
            y_pred = net.predict(X)
            error = cost(y_pred, y)
            dw2[i][j] = (error - error_current) / w_delta
        # restore the original weights
        net.W1, net.W2 = np.copy(W1), np.copy(W2)
        return dw1, dw2


    # load the data and labels
    X, y = data, labels.reshape((len(labels),1))
    # it's always a good idea to normalize the data between 0 and 1
    X = X/np.amax(X, axis=0)
    y = y/np.amax(y, axis=0)
    # create a 2x3x1 neural net
    net = Neural_Network(2, 3, 1)    
    # what is the current cost?
    y_orig = net.predict(X)
    init_cost = cost(y_orig, y)
    print("initial cost = %0.3f" % init_cost)
    # Set the learning rate, and how many epochs (updates) to try
    n_epochs = 2000
    learning_rate = 0.01
    # for each epoch, calculate the gradient, then subtract it from the parameters, and save the cost
    errors = []
    for i in range(n_epochs):
        dw1, dw2 = get_gradient(net, X, y)
        net.W1 = net.W1 - learning_rate * dw1
        net.W2 = net.W2 - learning_rate * dw2
        y_pred = net.predict(X)
        error = cost(y_pred, y)
    # plot it
    plt.plot(range(0, len(errors)), errors, linewidth=2)
    # what is the final cost?
    y_pred = net.predict(X)
    final_cost = cost(y_pred, y)
    print("final cost = %0.3f" % final_cost)
    initial cost = 85.579
    final cost = 0.562




