1. between jobs,between schools 没有工作,没有学上
2. draw a blank 断片了
3. buy out 买下…的股权或产权
※ 也可以表示“花钱使…离开(如提前退役)” 赎身既视感
e.g. Carling eventually bought himself out of the army. 卡林最终还是花钱提前退役了。
4. wear many hats 有很多工作,很多角色
She wears many hats: she's a doctor, a musician, and a writer.
5. people person,dog person,cat person,喜欢...的人
6. hands-off 大撒手
※ hands-on 动手的;实际操作的
e.g. New employees are given hours of hands-on training.
7. micro-manage 每件鸡毛蒜皮的小事都管
e.g. The problem may be that you are micromanaging your team.
8. put in place 实施,实现
9. spark one's interest 激发兴趣
10. stepping stone 垫脚石,敲门砖
11. get one's foot in the door 迈出第一步
12. run one's own show 经营自己的事业
13. carve out in... 在某个领域闯出一点名堂
14. niche 缝隙市场,商机
e.g. I think we have found a niche in the toy market.
15. make money hand over fist 发大财,赚大钱
16. go belly up 翻白儿,完蛋
17. snap up 抢购
e.g. Shoppers came to the store to snap up bargains after the holidays.
e.g. When they see your work history, they'll snap you up!
18. for a song 非常便宜
※ It's a steal.
19. see the writing/handwriting on the wall 看到不祥之兆
e.g. Seeing the writing on the wall, several commercial publishers are experimenting with gold-model publishing.
20. jump ship 跳槽
e.g. She jumped ship when the competition offered her a better job.
21. get sth out of one's system
22. not all it's cracked up to be 并没有被吹捧的那么好
e.g. I'm not saying it's not worth it, I'm just saying it's not all it's cracked up to be.
23. strike out 三振出局
24. strike it rich 发大财
※ 上篇 make money hand over fist 发大财,赚大钱
25. lose one's shirt 裤衩都输没了
26. take/pick up the ball and run with it 拿到一个想法,然后主动负责实施
27. nitty-gritty 重要细节
e.g. Time ran out before we could get down to the real nitty-gritty. 我们还没来得及探讨真正的细节,时间就过去了。
※ 反:the big picture
28. weigh another offer 衡量另一个职位
29. have in mind
e.g. What do you have in mind? 你认为应该是XX?
30. out of one's range
e.g. It's a little out of my price range. 有点接受不了这个价格。
31. get the ball rolling 开始
32. stand one's ground 坚持立场,不给还价/杀价
33. drive a hard bargain 很会杀价/开条件
e.g. Eric knocked thirty percent off the original price. He drives a hard bargain.
34. dot-com 网络公司
e.g. The weaker dot-coms have collapsed. 实力较弱的网络公司倒闭了。
1. ˈstepping stone 重音在前