Problems of Boolean Circuits

Problems of Boolean Circuits

作者: richybai | 来源:发表于2022-03-23 19:15 被阅读0次
2.1 Is set a complete basis? Construct an algorithm that determines whether a given set of Boolean functions A constitutes a complete basis. (Functions are represented by tables.)


2.2 Maximum complexity. Let c_n be the maximum complexity c(f) for Boolean functions f in n variables. Prove that 1.99^n < c^n < 2.01^n for sufficiently large n.

proof: 考察的是n个变量的boolean function,要使它的复杂度达到最大,也就是尽可能的多用到变量。考虑total function,而且值都是1,它的DNF表达式为:f(x) = \vee_{\{u \in \mathbb{B}^n\}}\chi_u(x)
上界(upper bound): 根据DNF的表达式,每一个子函数,也就是conjunction的部分,是形如x_1 \land \neg x_2 \land \dots \land \neg x_n,其中最多有2n个operation;
在disjunction部分中,{u \in \mathbb{B}^n}共有2^n个元素,所以c(f) = O(n2^n) < 2.01^n, for large n
下界(lower bound):对比n个变量的Boolean function和给定size大小的circuit的数量。假定选择了标准完备基,在k-th次assignment的时候,因为是从n个输入变量和k-1个辅助变量中选两个,最多有O((n+k)^2)种可能性。所以size为s的circuit的数量N_s不会超过O(((n+s)^2)^s) = 2^{2s(log(n+s)+O(1))}.n个变量的Boolean function的数量是2^{2^n}个。如果2^n > 2s(log(n+s)+O(1)),则Boolean function的数量比circuit的数量多,从而可以得到c_n > s。因为s是当输入为n长时,上面不等式右侧那么多个circuit的最大的size,而n长输入的Boolean function总共的数量是左侧的,所以肯定有别的Boolean function的复杂度比s大,题干里说的是maximum complexity。或者就是对两边的集合里的元素取size的maximum,得到c_n > s
s = 1.99^n时,上述的不等式成立,for sufficiently large n。从而可以推出想要的不等式。

2.3 Prove that there exists a decidable predicate that belongs to P/poly but not to P.




      本文标题:Problems of Boolean Circuits
