英英释义:the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened
例句:With hindsight, I should have double-checked the procedure and made sure all was going well.
“hindsight”是不可数名词,意思是“后见之明”。它的用法比较简单,一般用 in hindsight 或 with hindsight,意思就是“事后想来,......”。当我们想表达遗憾的时候,就可以用它。下面通过几个例子来掌握这个词。
With hindsight, I should have consulted a lawyer before making the final decision.
这句中的“With hindsight, I should have done”是个非常好用的句型,当我们想表达“早知道”的时候,就可以用它,再比如:
With hindsight, I should have double-checked the procedure and made sure all was going well.
With hindsight, the leadership should have been more careful with the venture capital funds.
Justin 最近在一篇英文随笔的开篇就用到了 in hindsight 这个表达:
'See, I told you so' or some variation of this saying is repeated often in our daily lives. We say it in hindsight to show our prescience or intelligence, or merely to gain a sense of superiority and pride.
《经济学人》在一篇关于刚果埃博拉问题的文章中用到了 with hindsight:
With hindsight health workers recognise that they should have done more to involve local people.
《经济学人》在一篇探讨老龄化和社会经济发展关系的文章中也用到了 with hindsight:
In hindsight,
With hindsight, I should have been a bit more patient with her.
With hindsight, he should have confess to her.