On Writing Well - Chapter 3&4

On Writing Well - Chapter 3&4

作者: 喃喃瓜 | 来源:发表于2017-10-31 15:02 被阅读0次

Chapter 3 "Clutter"强调了"Simplicity"。


-Chapter 3-


1. 传唤;召见;召唤 +someone = order / ask for

2. 鼓起(勇气);振作 + a quality = summon up

you summon the courage or strength to do something  =  you make a great effort to be brave or strong so that you will be able to do it.

eg: Suddenly we were summoned to the interview room.



"He blunts the painful edge of truth." 他弱化了真实的疼痛感。


ADJ. 直率的;不客气的 = say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.


N-COUNT 可能发生的事情,可能出现的结果(especially unpleasant or surprising)

eg: Every eventuality is covered, from running out of petrol to needing water.




ADJ 完整无缺的;未受损伤的 =complete and has not been damaged or changed

"I wanted to leave the sentence intact for them to analyze." 留下完整的句子给他们分析。

别混了: tact

tact :N-UNCOUNT (言谈举止的)老练、圆通、得体 = do or say things without offending or upsetting other people

cross out


cross: V.反对、拒绝 act against the wishes, plans, or orders of (someone)

throw dust in the eyes of the populace:

1. throw dust in the eyes of 

= to mislead / deceive 

2. the populace

= the general public / the masses (一国的)平民、百姓、民众

sprout overnight


-Chapter 4-

so much for


eg: "So much for early warnings about the bloated monsters that lie in ambush for the writer trying to put together a clean English sentence."

lie in ambush: 埋伏着

bloated monster 指的就是上一章的clutter。

bloated: ADJ 肿胀的


crept ---creep的过去形式

creep in / into / back : 不知不觉地发生

"Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say."


"There is no style store; style is organic to the person doing the writing, as much a part of him as his hair, or, if he is bald, his lack of it."

(社群或结构)有机的,统一的,不可分割的 = [an organic whole] each part of it is necessary and fits well with the other parts.

A is organic to B 

put on airs: 

someone is putting on airs / giving themselves airs = you are criticizing them for behaving as if they are better than other people. 矫揉造作;装腔作势;做作。

plunge in / into:

= to push something into something quickly and forcefully 将……投入;刺进

or = start doing something with enthusiasm and energy (= dive in ) 突然开始从事

"Yet you vow to be worthy of the task, and, casting about for grand phrases that wouldn't occur to you if you weren't trying so hard to make an impression , you plunge in"

这句话中“plunge in”的意思是:陷入。

"Be grateful for everything you can throw away."

“做减法”很有必要,因为“clutter is disease”。当减去了不必要的表达的时候,其实自己本身是增加了。首先,增加了勇气。我觉得对于一般人来讲(我对于文章中说的政治作用没有深刻理解),pompous expression 是想尽可能地展现出自己的实力,真要留下最简单的东西的时候,大家就会担心这样会使自己显得low……其实,当读过简单却不失准确的表达时,我们就会理解其中的玄妙(找不到合适的例子……积累的好少啊)。另外,还增加了才能。如Zinsser所说“writing is a craft, not a art”, 在第二章最后,有Zinsser的修改稿样,花费了他不少心血才完成终稿。删减、替换需要不断地推敲,要能够体会出一个词蕴含的意思。当真正throw away之后,我们确实需要感激。



      本文标题:On Writing Well - Chapter 3&4
