With various foolish wise but human disease. To avoid this kind of disease, need not superman's genius. Here's a few simple principle, although cannot ensure you, but you can not make any mistakes that you avoid some funny mistakes.

If a problem can be solved by observation but, please look at the time. Aristotle, the number of teeth mistakenly women less than men. This kind of mistake, he could have been avoided, and the way is very simple. He takes his wife to personally count. But he did not do so, because he is right. Since that you know when in fact he does not know, This is our everybody to make a fatal error. I think, reason hedgehog delicious oil is nothing but I hear people say: But if I really wanted to write a lift, introduced the hedgehog habits, I shouldn't jump secondmaster, unless I see a hedgehog enjoy the meal is delicious. However Aristotle is not careful. The works of ancient and medieval home about kirin and paved the way for its venomous snakes, But none of them, so that she had never seen any kirin and fiery serpent, it must avoid arbitrary.
Many things are not so easy to use experience. If you're like most people in many of these things are very intense, also have some way to help you know the oneself. If you hear an opinion contrary to your opinion is angry, it shows that you have subconsciously your opinion that without good reasons. If someone extortionary say two plus two, or the equator Iceland, you will only feel pity rather than anger, unless your math and geography is so ignorant, and his opinions contrary you actually shaken. The most intense debate about both have sufficient evidence of those problems. Persecution in theology not in mathematics, because the math problem is knowledge problems, and it is only theological views. So whenever found themselves in different opinions by fire, you must carefully, because once check, you will probably find that your beliefs and without sufficient evidence.

Get rid of some arbitrary view of a kind of good way is to acquaint with of your social circle, people hold different opinions of all. I think this to weaken the strong narrow bias degree is very good. If you cannot travel, also want to hold different views and some of the people, some reading or a political and different newspapers. If these men and the newspapers in your opinion is crazy, peevish, even is abhorrent, then you should not be forgotten in the family you likewise. Both sides of this view may be right, but may not be all wrong. So, should be able to think about.
Some people abound mental imagination. For these people, a good solution is to imagine yourself in the harbor with a different prejudices of debate. This LunDi debate with field compared with a (only one) is the favorable conditions and the method of the limit of time and space. Mahatma Gandhi on railway, ships and machine regret, in his opinion the industrial revolution is bad. You may never have the chance to meet a really views, because most people in western countries are the benefits of modern technology. But if you want to get really do you agree with this kind of popular opinion is correct, then a good way is to imagine modern technology to refute Gandhi benefits and the arguments, which can check your own thought of arguments. I sometimes because such imaginary dialogue and really change the original opinion, But even without changing the original opinion, often because realize the imaginary LunDi may have quite reasonable and become less.