Tech’s latest stars have it all 

Tech’s latest stars have it all 

作者: Aniwer | 来源:发表于2019-06-04 11:50 被阅读0次

    unicorn n.独角兽,新兴的科技巨头

    miraculous a.奇迹般的,不可思议的

    world-beating a.举世瞩目的

    cumulative a.累积的

    discount v.打折,低估,认为…不重要

    supercharge v.增加…负荷,促使,促进

    justification n.辩护,理由,解释

    promiscuous a.杂乱的,滥交的

    lease v.租用;出租

    in full swing 全面开展,达到高潮

    extrapolate v.推断,外推

    ***to estimate sth or form an opinion about sth, using the facts that you have now and that are valid for one situation and supposing that they will be valid for the new one

    hold one's nerve 保持冷静

    engineer v.设计,制造

    Right now, mere ponies are being presented as unicorns: privately held tech firms worth over $1bn that are supposedly strong and world-beating — miraculous almost.

    如今,区区小马驹也被描绘成了(传说中的)独角兽:那些估值超过 10 亿美元的私营科技公司,在人们眼中是实力雄厚,出类拔萃,近乎奇迹般的存在。

    As we report this week, a dozen unicorns that have listed, or are likely to, posted combined losses of $14bn last year.

    list v.上市

    正如我们本周所报道的那样,12 家已上市或可能要上市的独角兽公司披露,仅去年的总亏损就达到 140 亿美元。

    Their cumulative losses are $47bn. Their services, from ride-hailing to office rental, are often deeply discounted in order to supercharge revenue growth.


    The justification for this is the Silicon Valley doctrine of “blitzscaling” in order to conquer “winner-takes-all” markets — or in plain English, conducting a high-speed land grab in the hope of finding gold.


    The big worry is that the unicorns' losses reflect not temporary growing pains but markets which are contested and customers who are promiscuous.


    Compared with the earlier generation of firms, today a reaction is in full swing, including over digital taxes and data and content laws.

    与早期互联网公司所面对的发展环境相比,今天来自监管方的反噬达到了顶点 —— 数字税出台,数据和内容也颁布了相关法律。



        本文标题:Tech’s latest stars have it all 
