Solar.pl 基因组注释软件solar

Solar.pl 基因组注释软件solar

作者: 迎着阳光走 | 来源:发表于2020-12-28 02:59 被阅读0次
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

use Getopt::Std;

# declaration variables
our ($seqfile, $format, $com, $nosolar, $solar_bin, $optional);
my ($FileIn, $FileOut);

# initialization
open(FILEIN, $seqfile);
$FileIn = \*FILEIN;
if ($nosolar == 0) {
    open(FILEOUT, $com);
    $FileOut = \*FILEOUT;
} else {
    $FileOut = \*STDOUT;

# automatically detect input format
if ($format =~ /auto/) {
    $_ = <$FileIn>;
    if (/FASTA|SSEARCH/) {
        $format = "fasta";
    } elsif (/BLAST/) {
        $format = "blast";
    } elsif (/\S+\s\S+\s[\d.]+\s(\d+\s){7}\S+\s\S+$/) {
        $format = "m8";
    } elsif (/\d+\s+([\d.]+\s){3}\s*\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\(\d+\)/) { # extracted cross_match
        $format = "cross";
    } elsif (/cross_match/) {
        $format = "cross";
    } elsif (/^>\s\S+/) {
        $format = "mummer";
    } elsif (/#:lav/) {
        $format = "lav";
    } elsif (/^(FF|RF)/) {
        $format = "ssaha";
    } elsif (/\S+\s\d+\s\S+\s(\d+\s){6}/) {
        $format = "solar";
    } else {
        die("Fail to detect the input format automatically.\n");
    seek($FileIn, 0, 0);

# parse
if ($format =~ /lav/) {
    &elav($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /blast/) {
    &eblast($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /m8/) {
    &eblastm8($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /cross/) {
    &ecrossmatch($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /fasta|ssearch/) {
    &efasta($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /mummer/) {
    &emummer($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /ssaha/) {
    &essaha($FileIn, $FileOut);
} elsif ($format =~ /solar/) {
    while (<$FileIn>) { print $FileOut $_;  }
} else {
    die("Unrecognized format $format\n");

close FILEIN;
close FILEOUT;
#end of the main function

# subroutines

# detect the executable solar
sub detect_solar {
    my $tmp = `dirname $0`;
    $nosolar = 0;

    if (-f "./solar") {
        $solar_bin = "./solar";
    } elsif (-f "$tmp/solar") {
        $solar_bin = "$tmp/solar";
    } elsif (!system("which solar 2>&1 > /dev/null")) {
        $solar_bin = "solar";
    } else { $nosolar = 1; };

# print usage
sub usage {
    my $program = `basename $0`;
    print "
Program : $program (Perl interface for solar)
Version : 0.9.6, on 08 November, 2006
Contact : liheng\@genomics.org.cn

Usage   : $program [options] alignment

Options : -a STR    recommended preset. Valid STR are:
                    bac2bac      BAC or contig to BAC alignment      -n 8192
                    est2genome1  EST to genome unique mapping        -n 100000 -d 20
                    est2genome2  EST to genome multiple mapping      -cCn 100000 -d 20
                    prot2genome1 protein to genome unique mapping    -n 100000 -d -1
                    prot2genome2 protein to genome multiple mapping  -cCn 100000 -d -1
                    prot2prot    protein or EST to protein alignment -d -1
                    strains      bacteria strains alignment          -cn 1024
          -f STR    format of input file. Accepted format: auto (by default), blast,
                    m8, lav, cross_match, fasta, ssearch, mummer, ssaha or solar
          -j        just convert the format but do not run solar
          -z        alternative score rather than the default one:
                    lav     alternative: matched bases     default: lav score
                    m8      alternative: bit score         default: matched bases
                    blastn  alternative: bit score         default: matched bases
                    blastp  alternative: matched a.a.      default: bit score
          -h        help
    if ($nosolar == 0) {
        open HELP, "$solar_bin -h 2>&1 |";
        while (<HELP>) {
            if (/^Program/ || /^Version/ || /^Usage/ || /^$/ || /^Contact/ || /-h/) {
            } elsif (/^Options/) {
                $_ =~ s/Options :/         /;
            } elsif (/^Advanced/) {
                print "\n";
            } elsif (/^Comment/) {
        close HELP;
    print "
Comment : Note:
            1. For protein alignment, \"-d -1\" should be flagged to disable automatical
               repeat masking.
            2. For large-scale alignment results, \"-m 100\" may effectively reduce
               the running time by discarding small chains.
            3. Smaller cluster gap (-s) may accelerate the speed and make it possible to
               detect segmental duplication.
          Concise output format:
            Qname Qlen Qstart Qstop strand Sname Slen Sstart Sstop #blocks total_score \\
                Qstart,Qstop;...; Sstart,Sstop;...; score;...;

          Detailed output format:
            Q   Qname Qlen
            R   #repeats Rstart,Rstop;...;
            S   Sname Slen
            C#  Qstart Qstop * Sstart Sstop #blocks total_score
            A   Qstart Qstop strand Sstart Sstop #blocks total_score \\
                Qstart,Qstop;...; Sstart,Sstop;...; score;...;
            T   #alignments total_score
            F   #remained Qstart,Qstop;...; Sstart,Sstop;...; score;...;

          where Q stands for Query, R for Repeat, S Subject, C Cluster, A Alignment,
          T Total and F for Fragment. Qstart < Qstop. Sstart >= Sstop in column 13
          only if the alignment is on the reverse strand.


# parse the command-line optins and initialize
sub init {
    our ($opt_h, $opt_j, $opt_c, $opt_v, $opt_b, $opt_C, $opt_z, $opt_t);
    $optional = 0;
    if ($nosolar) { # there is no excutable solar can be found.
        print STDERR "Cannot find solar in \$PATH, -j is flagged automaticaly.\n";
    if (@ARGV < 1) { &usage; exit 1; }

    if ($opt_a) {
        if ($opt_a eq "bac2bac") {
            $opt_n = 8192 if (!defined($opt_n));
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "prot2genome1") {
            $opt_n = 100000 if (!defined($opt_n));
            $opt_d = -1 if (!defined($opt_d));
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "prot2genome2") {
            $opt_n = 100000 if (!defined($opt_n));
            $opt_d = -1 if (!defined($opt_d));
            $opt_c = 1;
            $opt_C = 1;
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "est2genome1") {
            $opt_n = 100000 if (!defined($opt_n));
            $opt_d = 20 if (!defined($opt_d));
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "est2genome2") {
            $opt_n = 100000 if (!defined($opt_n));
            $opt_d = 20 if (!defined($opt_d));
            $opt_c = 1;
            $opt_C = 1;
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "prot2prot") {
            $opt_d = -1 if (!defined($opt_d));
        } elsif ($opt_a eq "strains") {
            $opt_n = 1024 if (!defined($opt_n));
            $opt_c = 1;
        } else {
            print STDERR "Bad -a option $opt_a. Please look up usage.\n";
    if ($opt_h) { &usage; exit; }
    if ($opt_z) { $optional = 1; }
    if ($opt_j) { $nosolar = 1; }
    if (defined $opt_f) { # format
        $format = $opt_f;
    } else {
        $format = 'auto';
    $com = "| $solar_bin";
    if (defined $opt_n) { $com .= " -n $opt_n"; }
    if (defined $opt_d) { $com .= " -d $opt_d"; }
    if (defined $opt_p) { $com .= " -p $opt_p"; }
    if (defined $opt_g) { $com .= " -g $opt_g"; }
    if (defined $opt_u) { $com .= " -u $opt_u"; }
    if (defined $opt_r) { $com .= " -r $opt_r"; }
    if (defined $opt_l) { $com .= " -l $opt_l"; }
    if (defined $opt_s) { $com .= " -s $opt_s"; }
    if (defined $opt_m) { $com .= " -m $opt_m"; }
    if ($opt_c) { $com .= " -c"; }
    if ($opt_C) { $com .= " -C"; }
    if ($opt_v) { $com .= " -v"; }
    if ($opt_b) { $com .= " -b"; }
    if ($opt_t) { $com .= " -t"; }
#   $seqfile = ($ARGV[0]) ? $ARGV[0] : "-";
    if (@ARGV < 1 || $ARGV[0] eq '-') {
        print STDERR "Sorry, please use a file as input, not stdin.\n";
        exit 2;
    $seqfile = $ARGV[0]; # seek() is used. so <STDIN> is not available

# extract blast format 8
sub eblastm8 {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    while (<$FileIn>) {
        my @t = split;
        print $FileOut $t[0],"\t0\t",$t[1],"\t0\t",$t[6],"\t",$t[7],"\t",$t[8],"\t",$t[9],"\t";
        if ($optional) {
            print $FileOut int($t[11] + 0.5),"\t",$t[10],"\n";
        } else {
            print $FileOut int($t[3] * ($t[2] / 100.0) + 0.5),"\t",$t[10],"\n";

# This function is adapted from EblastN.pl (version 3.0), written by Ni Peixiang, nipx@genomics.org.cn
sub eblast {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    my ($i, $type, $query, $letter, $name, $length, $qbegin, $qend, $sbegin, $send, $idnty, $expect);
    $i = 0;
    $type = 0; $qbegin = 0; $sbegin = 0;
    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/^BLASTN/) {
            $type = 1; # use identities as score
        } elsif (/^TBLASTN/ || /^TBLASTX/ || /^BLASTX/ || /^BLASTP/) {
            $type = 0; # use bits as score
        } elsif (/Query= (\S+)/) {
            if($i == 1) {
                print $FileOut "$query\t$letter\t$name\t$length\t$qbegin\t$qend\t$sbegin\t$send\t";
                if ($type != $optional) {
                    print $FileOut "$idnty\t$expect\n";
                } else {
                    print $FileOut "$score\t$expect\n";
                $i = 0; $qbegin = 0; $sbegin = 0;
            $query = $1;
        } elsif (/\((\S+)\s+letters\)/) {
            $letter = $1; $letter =~ s/,//g;
        } elsif (/^>(\S*)/) {
            if($i == 1) {
                print $FileOut "$query\t$letter\t$name\t$length\t$qbegin\t$qend\t$sbegin\t$send\t";
                if ($type != $optional) {
                    print $FileOut "$idnty\t$expect\n";
                } else {
                    print $FileOut "$score\t$expect\n";
                $i = 0; $qbegin = 0; $sbegin = 0;
            $name = $1;
        } elsif (/Length = (\d+)/) {
            $length = $1;
        } elsif (/Score =\s+(\S+) bits.+Expect(\(\d+\))? = (\S+)/) { # original regex is not suiltable
            if($i == 1) {
                print $FileOut "$query\t$letter\t$name\t$length\t$qbegin\t$qend\t$sbegin\t$send\t";
                if ($type != $optional) {
                    print $FileOut "$idnty\t$expect\n";
                } else {
                    print $FileOut "$score\t$expect\n";
                $i = 0; $qbegin = 0; $sbegin = 0;
            $score = int($1 + 0.5);
            $expect = $3;
            $expect =~ s/^e/1e/;
        } elsif (/Identities = (\d+)/) {
            $idnty = $1;
        } elsif (/Query\:\s(\d+)\s*\S+\s(\d+)/) { # original regex may cause errors at least for TBLASTN
            $qbegin = $1 if($qbegin == 0);
            $qend = $2;
        } elsif (/Sbjct\:\s(\d+)\s*\S+\s(\d+)/) { # revised for the same reason
            $sbegin = $1 if($sbegin == 0);
            $send = $2;
            $i = 1;
    if ($i == 1) {
        print $FileOut "$query\t$letter\t$name\t$length\t$qbegin\t$qend\t$sbegin\t$send\t";
        if ($type != $optional) {
            print $FileOut "$idnty\t$expect\n";
        } else {
            print $FileOut "$score\t$expect\n";

# extracct cross_match
sub ecrossmatch {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    my ($qname, $qlen, $sname, $slen, $qt, $qp, $st, $sp, $score, $tmp);
    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/(\d+)\s+[\d\.]+\s[\d\.]+\s[\d\.]+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s\((\d+)\)\s+C?\s(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
            $score = $1; $qname = $2; $qt = $3; $qp = $4; $qlen = $4+$5; $sname = $6; $tmp = $7;
            if ($tmp =~ /\((\d+)\)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
                $slen = $1+$2; $st = $2; $sp = $3;
            } elsif ($tmp =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\((\d+)\)/) {
                $slen = $2+$3; $st = $1; $sp = $2;
            print $FileOut "$qname\t$qlen\t$sname\t$slen\t$qt\t$qp\t$st\t$sp\t$score\t0\n";

# extract FASTA
sub efasta {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    my ($qname, $qlen, $sname, $slen, $e);
    my (%tmp, $num);
    $num = 0;

    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/>>>(\S+).*-\s(\d+)\s(\S\S)$/) {
            if ($num > 0) {
                # FASTA do not sort the result according to sname, so I have to do it myself.
                foreach $i (sort keys %tmp) {
                    print $FileOut $tmp{$i};
                $num = 0;
                %tmp = ();
            $qname = $1; $qlen = $2;
        } elsif (/>>(\S+)?.*\((\d+)\s(\S\S)\)$/) {
            if (length($1)) {
                $sname = $1;
            } else { $sname = "NONAME"; } # FASTA may fail to give correct subject name sometimes
            $slen = $2;
        } elsif (/E\(\):\s(.*)$/) {
            $e = $1;
        } elsif (/([\d.]+)%\sidentity\s\(.*\)\sin\s(\d+).*\((\d+)-(\d+):(\d+)-(\d+)\)$/) {
            $score = int($1*$2/100.0+0.5);
            $tmp{$sname,$num} = "$qname\t$qlen\t$sname\t$slen\t";
            if ($3 < $4) {
                $tmp{$sname,$num} .= "$3\t$4\t$5\t$6\t$score\t$e\n";
            } else {
                $tmp{$sname,$num} .= "$4\t$3\t$6\t$5\t$score\t$e\n";
    if ($num > 0) { # output the final block
        foreach $i (sort keys %tmp) {
            print $FileOut $tmp{$i};

# extract mummer
sub emummer {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    my ($qname, $dir, @t, $qstart, $qend, $sstart, $send);

    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/^>\s(\S+)$/) {
            $qname = $1; $dir = 1; # forward
        } elsif (/^>\s(\S+)\sReverse$/) {
            $qname = $1; $dir = 0; # reverse
        } else {
            @t = split;
            if ($dir == 1) {
                $sstart = $t[0]; $send = $t[0]+$t[2]-1;
            } else {
                $send = $t[0]; $sstart = $t[0]+$t[2]-1;
            $qstart = $t[1]; $qend = $t[1]+$t[2]-1;
            print $FileOut "SUBJECT\t0\t$qname\t0\t$qstart\t$qend\t$sstart\t$send\t$t[2]\t0\n";

# extract lav
sub elav {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;
    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/^s/) {
            <$FileIn> =~ /\"[^"]+" (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/; $qlen = $2; $qstrand = $3;
            <$FileIn> =~ /\"[^"]+" (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/; $slen = $2; $sstrand = $3;
        } elsif (/^h/) {
            <$FileIn> =~ /\">(\S+).*\"/; $qname = $1;
            <$FileIn> =~ /\">(\S+).*\"/; $sname = $1;
        } elsif (/^a/) {
            <$FileIn> =~ /s (\d+)/; $score = $1;
            <$FileIn> =~ /b (\d+) (\d+)/; $qstart = $1; $sstart = $2;
            <$FileIn> =~ /e (\d+) (\d+)/; $qend = $1; $send = $2;
            if ($optional) {
                $score = 0;
                while (<$FileIn>) {
                    if (/l (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
                        $score += int(($3-$1+1) * ($5/100.0) + 0.5);
                    } elsif (/^}/) { last; }
            } else {
                while (!(<$FileIn> =~ /^}/)) {}
            print $FileOut "$qname\t$qlen\t$sname\t$slen\t$qstart\t$qend\t";
            if ($qstrand != $sstrand) {
                $sstart = $slen + 1 - $sstart;
                $send = $slen + 1 - $send;
            print $FileOut "$sstart\t$send\t$score\t0\n";

# extract ssaha
sub essaha {
    my ($FileIn, $FileOut) = @_;

    while (<$FileIn>) {
        if (/^(R|F)F\s(\S+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+\.\d+)/) {
            print $FileOut "$2\t0\t$5\t0\t$3\t$4\t";
            $score = int($8*($9/100.0)+0.5);
            if ($1 eq "F") {
                print $FileOut "$6\t$7\t$score\t0\n";
            } else {
                print $FileOut "$7\t$6\t$score\t0\n";



      本文标题:Solar.pl 基因组注释软件solar
