案例8:使用计算 –使用案例1中的脱丁烷塔来研究一个普通案例-3

案例8:使用计算 –使用案例1中的脱丁烷塔来研究一个普通案例-3

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-06-19 11:30 被阅读18次







Let us now step through the simulation to verify the expected behavior. To confirm the results from calculations, we utilize the debug viewer and turn the kernel debug on. At step 5, we observe the following:
• Both the top quality and bottom quality CVs are part of the control problem (not removed).
• The sub-controller is active.
• The controller is in optimization mode.
• Because calculation 7 stipulated that the economic function tracking filter time constant must lie between 5 and 10 minutes, the entered value of 100 minutes is truncated at the upper bound of 10 minutes.
• For the bottom quality, the steady-state target is pushed against a constraint as a consequence of the economic optimization.
At step 6, we notice that
•The bottom quality CV is removed (since both bottom temperature and bottom quality POVs are disconnected)
•Because the bottom quality CV is no longer a part of the control problem, the constraint activity in the post kernel calculation changes to 0.
At step 7, we disconnect the top temperature measurement. The top quality CV is not removed since the measurement for the top quality is still available.
At step 8, we observe the following
• Because the measurements for top temperature and top quality are disconnected, the top quality CV is removed (calculation 2)
• Consequently, the sub-controller is turned inactive (both top and bottom quality CVs are removed)
• Since the controller contains only one sub-controller, and that sub-controller is now inactive, the controller sheds to standby
Now examine the status at step 9 where the bottom temperature measurement is reconnected. We expect the bottom quality to not be removed. Subsequently, the sub-controller request status is active and the controller now is expected to switch back to optimize mode. The screenshot below confirms the expected behavior at step 9.
Take Home Message
The Calculation engine built into SMOCPro is a tool that can be used to run simple, as well as, elaborate user code. There are two types of calculations allowed: Pre-kernel and Post-kernel calculations. The pre-kernel calculations serve to modify the parameters entering the kernel before the controller execution. The post-kernel calculations may be used to record parameters and historize them. For a complete list of parameters and functions available to the user, please refer to the Calculations section of this User’s Guide.




    本文标题:案例8:使用计算 –使用案例1中的脱丁烷塔来研究一个普通案例-3
