Before I say too much, I should start by saying that I am not a political person. In fact, I’m so nonpolitical that half of the time when the name of a politician is mentioned by a mate or co-worker, I have no clue who they’re talking about and quite frankly, I’m usually too disinterested to care to Google it!
I know the names of philosophers, musicians, and authors, as I’d prefer to live my life in a perpetual state of self-discovery and personal growth as opposed to one that focuses on opposition or political polarization.
That said, recently I’ve noticed a massive rise in how many people live their entire lives around politics. personally, I’ve always found politics to be similar to the price of petrol/gas, in the way that regardless of what happens, I have zero control over it, so why bother? And as the child of a realist, I was always taught not to complain about things we cannot change. I mean, if nitpicking actually did work, we’d all be billionaires, the planet would be just peachy, and I’d actually be attractive…
Be that as it may, these days I cannot have a single conversation with mates or anyone without them wanting to bring up politics. Yes, I understand that these are discouraging times, and a lot of politicians would sooner impose their narrow-minded views on people than try to find a middle ground, but outside of voting, which I do, I don't understand the necessity of being consumed by the back and forth in governance.
There are certain things I cannot avoid in my life… Loud people, obnoxious people, opinionated people, absurd people, etc. But even outside of my family, society is filled with all different types of people as well!
To me, it almost seems more like a cult or a form of psychosis than anything else!