

作者: Eve_610c | 来源:发表于2019-01-28 23:10 被阅读0次

1. 中华人民共和国成立the founding of the People’s Republic of China

2. 70年来,中国发展取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就

The past seven decades have witnessed remarkable achievements in China’s development.

3. 社会生产力、综合国力实现了历史性跨越

Our nation has made historical transformation in terms of social productivity and composite national strength

4. 人民生活迎来了从温饱不足到全面小康的伟大飞跃

delivered initial prosperity to its people who were once struggling to meet their basic living needs.

5. 重要力量

an important force for

6. 取得如此大的发展与进步

achieve so much in development and progress

7. 发展壮大了的中国

a stronger China

8. 与世界相处

engage the rest of the world

9. 我总是对他们说,历史、文化和哲学的考量是一把钥匙。

Well, these questions can be answered from historical, cultural and philosophical perspectives.

10. 昨天今天明天紧密相连,要了解中国的现实,就要了解中国的历史,才能预见中国的未来。

Given the close linkage between the past, the present and the future, one needs to learn about China’s past in order to understand its present and forecast its future.



