

作者: 5a867ebcd3db | 来源:发表于2017-12-20 11:33 被阅读0次






Standard Ecommerce Terms and Conditions

There are a number of clauses that can be found in most terms and conditions, either by virtue of legal necessity or to protect the merchant in the selling process. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the things you might want to include within your ecommerce terms and conditions:

Information Commensurate with latest Consumer Contract Regulations:The latest Consumer Contract Regulations stipulate information that must be made clear to consumers purchasing online via your terms and conditions. These include your contact details, including clarification of your business identity, the products you sell, and how you can be contacted by your customers. This is not optional, so it pays to do your homework on what must be included when drafting up your terms and conditions.

Liability Limitations:Limited liability is a standard practice across most contracts, in a bid to limit any future claims that may arise from the transaction. There are some claims to liability you can’t contract away from – such as those causing death or personal injury – but broad exclusions of other types of damages can be effective in reducing your future obligations (and keeping legal costs to an absolute minimum).

What Happens And Who Pays For Returns?:Returns are a fact of life in ecommerce, and it’s useful to be upfront about how your returns process works, and who bares the costs of return shipping. Specify this within your terms and conditions, even if you have an external refunds policy in place.

Jurisdiction/Choice of Law:Under which laws will the contract of sale be interpreted? This matters particularly in ecommerce, where you may end up resorting to the lottery of legal systems when selling across the EU, or indeed the world, if you don’t seize the initiative.

Delivery Terms:It’s also useful to take into account your delivery terms, or to directly reference your shipping policy if you have one in place. When your customers accept these terms, you can solve so many support issues or refund requests, simply by referring to the terms and processes laid down in your delivery terms. Provided they are fair and reasonable, as you must be at all times in drafting terms relating to consumers, you will likely cover your back for more situations.

Terms and conditions generators and templates are available, which model on some of the most common terms used in ecommerce contracts. Alternatively, for maximum protection, speak to a lawyer.

关键单词:There are a number of clauses that can be found in most terms and conditions

Information Commensurate with latest Consumer Contract Regulations

Liability Limitations



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